Chapter 15: Inspire Me

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What was that supposed to mean? I mean I'm not too sure how I should feel about that. All the way home I was pondering on that. I mean it isn't totally uncommon for friends to call other friends douche bags right? But then again Tyler was going to set me up with him, which means operation 'Ask Tyler to the Dance' is currently on hold.

"Sam? Who's Lucas?" Gabby tried saying again over the phone. Considering it was a little too late for her to come over, and that fact we had school tomorrow I decided to ring her up before she took it among herself to strangle the information out of me.

"Remember the day Tyler ran into the lockers and I had to take him to the nurse's office? Remember me telling you how he forced me to go to the Roller skating rink with him. There were other people there when we got there, some of Tyler's friends, and there was this guy named Lucas and that's who Tyler apparently wants to set me up with."

Over the phone line I could hear a bunch of muffled curses and sighs, which only made my heart drop just a little.

The only reason Tyler needed me was to bring Lucas into the dance, because God knows the struggle of having to ask others-while they are in line for the dance- if they could last minute.

"Okay, here's what we are going to do. Obviously Tyler thinks of you of as a friend because you don't ask a stranger for help, nor do you ask a stranger to take one of your friends to a dance. This weekend you are going to come over and we are going to go shopping with Danny, Joel, Erica and Allie. The whole gang. I'm not asking you to change your whole personality because we love you, but just let your inner 'Forever 21' show."

I was in the middle of protesting until Gabby cut back in.

"Okay I know you don't like spending money- or shopping- but hear me out. Let's say we're in a store and I, Gabby, see something I like and what if Danny says it looks nice or whatever and I should buy it. You know I'm not allowed to date until college, and if there is a chance I could help you with the dance while having some time with Danny you know you have to say yes!" Gabby exclaimed over dramatically.

"Are you trying to guilt trip me? If it wasn't for your dang list I wouldn't be in this predicament." I told a moment to breathe in and then I continued, "But, since I love you and know that not even Cupid could help you and Danny come to the senses that you are made for each other. Then I guess I have no choice." With that I told Gabby to go to sleep and I started getting ready for bed myself.

Right when I was getting into bed my phone started vibrating. Picking it up I was surprised to see I had a text message since majority of my friends enjoy sleep more than me apparently.

You kind of left your AP Chem book in my living room. - Tyler

Mentally slapping myself I took a moment to reply

Frick. Okay um, can you bring it to school tomorrow?

Right when I sent it, my phone buzzed again

You can give me your locker number and I'll stop by tomorrow before 1st period to give it back - Tyler

Nodding my head I replied to him.

Thanks so much. I'm locker 2603. - Sam

I waited for a moment to see if he was going to reply, but when I got no answer I went back in between the sheets. The moment I started drifting away my bedside table started buzzing again.

Kk, no problem. Night- Tyler

I was in the stage where I wasn't sure what was going on, where my body was starting to sleep but my brain wasn't on the same page, so I thought I replied with a 'Goodnight' but I was too lazy to check, and I decided to let sleep engulf me once again.

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