Chapter 1: Friends, New People, and Cute Guy Lists?

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You know when people say that being popular is hard work? They aren't lying about it. You have to wake up a little early. Make sure that you look presentable and ready for people to stare at you, mostly popular wannabes. You have to buy everything that's in style to stay cool and that's exactly what I do.

I, Tyler King, am one of the school's best quarter back. I'm a partier and fun to hang out with, though I hope I'm not too self-center that I'll list all my best qualities. Between me and you, there are a lot and that could take all day. Besides that, I could make you popular or if you got on my bad side, you better pray I don't break you like a twig. So it's best if you listen to me when I want you to otherwise get out of my way. I know how to manipulate a few strings into my favor.

"Hey dude, are you thinking about me again? I'm completely flattered but don't, that's very stalker like." My closest friend James said.

"Yeah, sure James. I'm thinking of you and me, together because I love you. Now come and give daddy some sugar."

When I started making mushy faces, we both lost it and cracked up. It was a Monday afternoon and I was at his house just chilling. We had been friends ever since 6th grade when we were trying to go after the same girl in our gym class. From that point on, we became closer and now we were the unstoppable duo.

"So, you know the big dance is coming up soon. And by soon I mean a couple of months... Anyways, are you going to bring anyone?" James asked with a hint of amusement in his tone.

"Oh I completely forgot about that. Isn't there like a mask theme or something?" 

I'm not a big fan of our school dances because they are lame and boring. The only reason I go is because I usually get named as school king and some girl gets named as the school queen or as I like to call them the word after A and ends with an itch.

"You sure are clueless huh."

"Yep. Pretty much." I spread my legs out onto the table in front of me. James pushes my legs over off of it and gave me a look.

"You should get going Tyler."

"Why?" I questioned him.

"Melissa's coming over and I can't have her seeing you here."

And that was the truth. Melissa had hated me for some reason since even possibly the moment we met. She was one of the very few girls who didn't fall heads over heels for me. Now she was dating James and couldn't stand having me around. I personally didn't have anything against her but I couldn't actually say I liked her either. One mistake-something that I'm not even aware of-and I was her least favorite person.

"No. I don't want to go home to Emily. All she ever does is read fashion magazines and talk about nail polish." I whined. I tried a high pitched voice trying my best to sound like a girl."Oh my goodness like isn't Justin Bieber like extremely hot. He has the hair, the body and the voice. Wow." I said acting like Emily every time one of his songs come up in the radio. 

Now in my regular voice I continued. "Do you really want me, your best friend to suffer?" I asked trying to pull off a puppy dog face.

"Well too bad. You guys could paint your faces and subscribe to Justin's fan clubs for all I care, but now I got a girlfriend coming over. Leave." He said pointing to the door.

"Do I really have to go?" I asked.

"Yes,now proceed to the exit." He said pointing to the door.

"First tell me one thing."

"What do you want?" He said losing his patience for me.

"Where are you taking her?" I stood in his way, trying to stall him. But I guess he wasn't buying it.

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