Chapter 2: What Makes Me Beautiful?..... Well I Know It's Not My Singing

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I woke up the next morning with my alarm going off entangled in my bed sheets. How I got in this position was a complete mystery to me but I just attempted to get up and ended up beside my bed face forward. Scrambling to my feet, I made my way into the bathroom. Nothing could go wrong today, I won't let it. I got into the shower humming to Taylor Swift, and then I started screaming out the lyrics to Love Story. But all this singing rewarded me was yells from my mom and little sister Emily. But I just choose ignored them and carry on with my singing.

I got out of the shower and carefully selected my clothes. It takes 11 minutes but I picked out an outfit that say sexy, cool, and cocky all at one. Once I go downstairs I am met with cold glares coming from the two girls in the house -my mother and Emily,my sister- who seemed to show deep disdain for my singing.

"Good morning to you too Emily, and yes I feel fine today. Thanks for asking" I give her a pat on her head which earns me a look of disgust.

"You really suck at singing Tyler, I mean c'mon Taylor Swift at Five O'clock in the morning. Even a dead fish has better vocals then you."

"Well sorry I'm not Justin Bieber, I just sing for the heck of it."

"Oh my goodness Tyler, get with the program" she says exasperated, "Nobody talks about Justin Bieber anymore; it's all about One Direction now. Everyone now-a-day has One Direction Infection. Oh and did you know everyone in the band is British except Niall, he is he Irish one, but he is the cutest to me." she said as if it was something she would share to just anyone.

"One Direction?" I say warily, "Correct me if I'm mistaken little one, but how would you know about a British boy band if you live in Ameri--, wait never mind I don't even care; just go on with your little girly life and leave me out of it." The contents of my fridge were more exciting than this conversation, which urged me to take a look.

"Whatever." She mutters and rolls her eyes.

Girls now a day, have no taste of good music. All they talk about now is Justin Bieber and Cody Simpson. Now there's One Direction. Well I never listened to One Direction so I can't really say anything bad about them but still. They missed out in all the good people like Alicia Keys, Ne-Yo, and Leona Lewis.

Once I got my breakfast which consist pancakes, eggs, and a whole lot of bacon, I turned around to see my mom looking at me with a careful eye. Confused of what was going on, I slowly walked to the table and set my food down and took a seat.

"So Tyler, guess what came in the mail yesterday?" My mom said with her voice lacking everything but frustration, and maybe a hint if anger. After living with her constant disappointment with me, I couldn't tell the difference between them anymore.

However, I knew that it was in my best interest to stay quiet.

"Your school's report card." She said with fake excitement.

Oh no. This isn't good.

I'm not exactly what you would call a model student at school. Well, a model student to every guy in school who wants to learn how to get a girl but according to my teachers I'm a fool who won't amount to anything in life. They don't know who I am and why I act the way I do but they already stereotype me. I mean yeah I guess there is some truth but hey, don't hate the player hate the game. Anyways with my amazing reputation of being the school's biggest player who has time to study and go all Einstein? it's a major turn off to the hot girls at our school. I never made straight A's in my life and I know I'm not going to start now. My perfect record of a C+ was enough for me.

"Tyler Matthew King, look at me when I'm talking to you" She held that kind of glare that made me scared for my life. Mama King is no joke when she is angry.

"Yes ma'am" I replied. I may be a popular but I do have manners.

"Thank you. Now I expect you to-"




Ah, yes. Saved by the bell...or car in this case.

"Oh look at that. Bye mom, see you later. You know how I can't be late to school." I rush out of the house as quickly as possible and jump into James car in my driveway before my mom could say another word.

"So, I'm guessing it was a report card issue," He says to me

"What were you, stalking me?" I say

"We all know what you're like and I bet it wasn't even straight C's."

"Maybe... Maybe not. How about you Mr. Smarty Pants, did you score all 98's?" If there is one thing I know about James is no one I knew compared to him when it came to grades. In math, when no one has an idea of what's going on, James was always the first person to the board. I mean what person who lives in this world could be that good at math.

"No I got a 94 in science, but to make up for it I got a 100 in Social Studies." James tells me all giddy like. Leave it to him to be upset from a 94 in science, and yet score a perfect hundred in social studies. Sigh.

On our way to school, we parked in our parking space. Well it isn't technically our spot, but everyone knows if they take they are going to go head first in the trash can. Trust me, it's not as bad as it sounds, but hey you shouldn't mess with the top dogs of the school.

When I got out of the car, I witness two fairly cute girls arguing. What it was about I had no clue but from my point of view, the way they fought resembled little cartoon people where the character's face would get all red and look like a volcano with the steam coming out. Turning away from the scene, I see Melissa walking towards us. Along with James on my right giving me a nasty glare which I returned with a 'what did I do look' and an additional glare of my own. It wasn't the smartest thing I could had done because next thing I know I'm getting hit on the head by my best buddy.

"Hey James" she said sweetly. I strongly resist the urge to roll my eyes.

"Hey babe, what's going on in that pretty little head of yours." James says attempting to come off just as flirtatious.

"Just thinking about last night." she
replies. And correct me if I'm wrong, but I think I see a tint of pink rush up to James cheeks. Ha, who's the goody two-shoes now?... Well he still is, but at least I have something I could use against him.

"Oh so James, what did you exactly do last night on your 'date' " I say getting revenge for him hitting my head.

"Umm, Tyler don't you have some other people to annoy?" James said giving me his 'I swear to God I will kill you if you continue' look.

"Nope, I'm all free for this morning. Actually I think you're a real bada-"




Well I guess it's time for me to go to first period I thought.

"I guess you were saved by the bell, but don't think I'm going to let this one slipped James." I say sternly.

As I make my way down the hall, I guess I wasn't paying close enough attention because next thing I know I black out when my face makes contact with the cold metal of somebody's locker door.

Just my luck.


Thanks for all the people who actully take their time of day to read my stories. i'm sorry for the really REALLY late update, I had a bad case of writters block, but anyway i'm back so you guys need to..




oh and I really love One Direction :D, but I warn yuo Niall is ALL mine.... don't even think about it.. :)

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