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I woke up. I was sweaty and breathless. Just a dream, I thought, everything's fine. I got up to look at my alarm clock. 7 a.m. , so I slept for 3 hours. I went to the bathroom, took a shower, brushed my hair and teeth and put on some underwear. When I got back to my room, wich was one door away (our flat was't very big) , I wanted to choose clothes, but I couldn't decide. I ended up pulling some jeans and a white shirt out of my closet. I love Ed in white shirts ... he looks so attractive in them ! Wow, I'm such a crazy fangirl , I relate everything to him ! I had to grin. My mom was already making breakfast in the kitchen, so I joined her.

"That smells so good mom ! You're making pancakes right ?"

"I do, honey. Could you please set the table ?"

"Of course mom. I love you !"

"Thanks, honey, that's so kind."

"No problem !"

I took out two plates and placed them on the table. I also put some toppings there. Five minutes later, everything was ready. My mom and I sat down and she gave me the first pancake. I ate it with maple syrup, strawberries and cinnamon. I also added some blueberries.

"I love your pancakes mom, they're always so delicious !"

"Well, thanks Elinnya, I knew you'd love it! Anyways, how was your night? Did you sleep well ?"

"Um ... I am so excited for that concert tonight. I slept like .... 3 hours? And I had kind of a ... nightmare."

"Oh sweetheart! Everything's okay now."

"I know mom."

I got a really strange feeling. It was like ... no, that's not happening.

" Okay then. Um ... when is Tia about to come ?"

"I think she'll be here at 3 . I'll look if she texted me."

Tia was my best and only friend besides mom. She had blonde hair, that reached to her shoulders, while mine was dark brown and almost got to my hips. I was always so jealous of her clear blue eyes, because I didn't like my green ones. She had eyes like Ed ... Anyways, she's one year younger than me, which doesn't mean that she behaves like a little girl. No, she was really mature for her age. She always helped me through tough times, because my mom got cancer when I was ten. She was healed, but in her case, it could always come back. I didn't have to worry too much because she was cancer-free for 2 years now. I helped my mom to clean up and after that, I went to my room. I picked up my phone , and one message from Tia popped up.

Hey there! I'll be at yours at 2:30. Love you Tia xx

Great! Can't wait for tonight! Bring your camera! I love you too! Ellie xx

I pressed send. She always called me Ellie, because I was ashamed of my special name sometimes.

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