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I woke up by someone shaking onto my body.

"Elinnya wake up! You're late! Tia is already waiting!"

Wait. Tia ?! I hopped up and saw my MUM walking out of my bedroom ?! I thought they were dead ?! I got up and rushed into the bathrom. Splash! Cold water into my face. I dried it and went into the kitchen.

"Goodmorning Elinnya! Did you sleep well ? You're so pale!"

Tia was really sitting at our table and was drinking coffee ! This is impossible !

"I'm .... I'm good!"

With tears of Joy in my eyes, I went up to her and cuddled her. Same with my Mum.

"Wow Linn, What's going on?" Tia laughed.

"Nothing.Nothing." I replied with a grin on my face.

My mum told me to put my clothes on because of my doctor's appointment in 20 minutes. So I did that and two minutes later, I was sitting in Tia's car. She drove me to my psychologist Mrs Evans. She was a young, pretty lady with glasses and blonde hair. She was really nice.

When it was my turn, I told her everything, and while doing that, I realized that time in paralell universes passed much slower. So while I spent about 2 days in middle earth, it was only one night on earth.

Psychologist's POV:

I was taking some notes and listening carefully to this wonderful girl. She won't need me much longer.

"Elinnya, what I think is that your dream showed you something. Do you know what ?"

"It was real, I swear !"

I smiled and nodded.

"It shows you that you have to be self-confident and stand up for yourself. That is the only way to achieve things in life that make you happy. And I think you know that now."

"Really ?"

"Of course. You know, I think that it's time for a little change. Go shopping with Tia, replace your wardrobe buy things you really like wearing and you feel comfortable in. Or just start little. Think about that. Any Ideas ?"

"I think I should start with this." she said and pulled out a little box. She gave it to me and smiled. I knew what it was.

"I'm proud of you Elinnya."

"I won't miss it. Thank you so much Mrs Evans. For everything."

We said goodbye and there she walked away. A young lady on her way to a happy life. What a wonderful girl.

Elinnya's POV :

I walked out of the door and shook my head. I knew that nobody would believe me. That evening, I was laying in my bed staring at the blank wall. I would have loved to know what was going on in middle earth right now. And where was Ed ? Does he even know me ? I hoped so and turned off my light. I whispered :

"Lasto beth nîn, my little ginger. I love you."

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