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Elinnya's POV :

The way he looked at my phone was so funny! He seemed to be extremely concentrated and his face was undescribable. I had to let out a little laugh.

"What ?"

He looked up and smiled with a confused expression.

"Nothing," I joked, "I think you forgit that I'm still a fangirl of yours, Ed."

"Oh, okay, um..."

He blushed and put down my phone.

"Wifi's working."

The kind of silence when nobody knows what to say and it's embarassing overwhelmed us. I looked him in the eyes and he did the same with me. Those clear, blue, beautiful eyes ... wow. My thoughts spiraled out of control and suddendly, I felt the urge to kiss him. There were other feelings than usually. Was this what love feels like ? Our bodies moved closer, like magic until I could feel his breath on my skin. He smelled so good. I closed my eyes and wanted to let it happen. The kiss. A second before our lips touched, my phone made the typical 'You have a new message' sound. I quickly sucked in the air and hopped a bit backwards. We both sighed.

"Oh, that's from Valerie."

Oh, hey um ... I don't exactly know what to write. But I've got one question : how can I be sure that you are really who you say ?

"Linn, I've got a crazy idea ... what if she knows hhat you're with me ?"

About twenty minutes later, Ed and I were sitting on the sofa in front of his laptop, Graham, his little grey cute kitten, on my legs. Ed opened Skype and chose Valerie's profile.

"Are you ready ?"

"Yes. Now call or I'll freak out because of excitement!"

While I was trying to calm myself down, he pressed call. The camera was turned on. About ten seconds later, she picked up.

"Hey?" I presses through my lips with a tiny high voice. I'm really shy, you know ?

Ed helped me by saying:

"Hey Valerie! Hope you're fine."

She started screaming.

"Oh my god ... I'm really skyping with Ed Sheeran?!"

"Yeah, you are. I mean, why not ?", he giggled.

I really loved how nice he was ro evryone. I wanted to come to the point, so I began to speak shyly:

"I'm sorry to interrupt you. I'm Elinnya, or Linn if you want. Well, the reason why we wanted too meet you is that I think there's somwthing wrong with the fire. And you do to, don't you ?"

"Yes. Haha you're so sweet!", she smiled. "You're right, something must have happened. We can meet for sure!"

"Okay then, Ed will come too, don't worry!"

Her smile got even brighter immediately. We made up to meet tomorrow morning at 11 at my favourite café. I thought it was a good idea to let Valerie and Ed alone for a while, so they could talk a bit. Ed and I later spent the evening watching a movie again. We ordered some pizza. As the doorbell rang, Ed went to the door. When he came back, he handed me my bag suprisingly. I wen through all the stuff in it: my charger, some loose change, my wallet, tampons, lipbalm and it. The grey box. Long ago that I used what was inside. My fingers went over the pointy edges again and again. I was about to open it when Ed ripped me out of my thoughts by asking if I was okay, causing my heart to jump a little. His expression went from curious to worried when he saw my face. I quickly put the box back in my bag and stuttered:

"Yeah, um ... s-sure. Let's eat, I'm starving right now."


He didn't believe it. I knew, but I was happy that he didn't ask any further. We made ourselves comfortable on the sofa and Ed opened the first pizza box. I was concentrated on the movie and reached for a piece of that delicious, warm italian food. Instead of pizza, I felt a soft hand on mine. We both looked up and I started feeling those butterflies again. His eyes were so beautiful. We got closer and closer. I closed my eyes and met it happen. Milliseconds later, I put my open lips on his and slowly let them shut. His warm lips felt so good on mine. One of my hands went into his ginger hair, the other one still in his hand. His free one first went to my cheek, then to my jawline and then down across my back to my hip. We kissed intensely until all of the air in my lungs was gone. Was this what love felt like ? Or was this even right ? I just kissed Ed Sheeran ! ED SHEERAN ! Or did he kiss me ? He pulled me over to him and cuddled me. My eyelids got so heavy again. I didn't even notice how tired I was.

"Linn, you should go to bed, you look so frickin' tired."

I only let out a sigh and then, he lifted me and carried me to his bed. He covered me up with a blanket and left the room.

Yay, finally found the time to write :D Hope you like it 🙆 do you like the idea od Ed and Linn to be togheter ? If no, please explain why :) I'm not quite sure how to go on, so you guys will help me with some decisions okay ? Send me some ideas please 😚

Emi Xx

I See Fire (Ed Sheeran ff)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora