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Ed's POV :

Why? Why did I take her home ? I didn't know. I took another look at her and noticed that she fell asleep again - no wonder after all the trouble I caused. She looked so beautiful all the time, even though you could see that she had been crying. Not the 'normal' kind of beautiful, it was special. I've never seen someone like her before. I already noticed her at the stadium and she fascinated me. She still did. I remembered looking at her right before the fire happened. I blacked out then and I still had a headache from it. My arm was okay again. I felt bad for pushing Stuart away yesterday, even though he's 'just' my manager. I decided to call him later. After a while I felt my eyes getting really heavy and I was already half asleep pausing the DVD. I had been writing songs all night because it always helped me getting everything out of my mind. Finally I was sleeping. When I woke up, it was around 2 p.m. and the TV has turned itself off. Elinnya was still sleeping. I remembered my promise to Stu so I got up, groaning and searched for him in my contacts. I pressed call and he answered after a few seconds.

"Hey Ed, I was waiting for you to call. So... What's going on?"

"Um ... I'm sure you've heard from the fire and stuff. I don't really remember but after one of the last songs everything blacked out. I saved a girl ... she and me are the only ones I could see in there. Her name's Elinnya and I don't even know why I took her with me. She's sleeping on my sofa right now after I told her I'm Ed Sheeran and she almost freaked out..."

"Wow Ed, stop right there. I got it. I think you need to take a break and cancel the next few shows before more crazy stuff happens."

"Yeah I think the same. I'm sorry Stu. I still have a headache and I think it's better when I go to sleep again. Sorry."

"It's okay. Do that and make sure you two are okay. Don't forget about the Interview at 5 - I couldn't cancel it, sadly."

"What?! Oh well. I mean, the fans nedd to know I'm okay right ?" I murmured.

"Yeah I'm sorry Ed. Go sleep now."

"You don't need to be. Bye, see ya later."


I hung up. My headache got worse so I decided to set an alarm for 4:30 and layed back on the sofa. I woke up at 4 because of Elinnya screaming.

"Elinnya ? Hey! I'm here, it's okay."

She woke up and I took her into my arms.

"What's going on ?"

"Ed ... I-I think I had a vision. The day before your show... I dreamed about the fire. My mom and Tia ... they were also d- ... gone in my dream." She stuttered.

"Honestly, I don't know what to say. I-I've got an interviev in an hour, do you want to come with me ?"

"If I'm not in the way, then yes."

She untangled herself from my embrace and I let go of her.

"It'll be fine. I'll just change and then we'll leave okay ?"

"Of course. I'll go get rid of my makeup."

I went to my room and grabbed some new clothes, took my keys and waited for Elinnya. She came out after a few minutes, still looking gorgeous without any makeup. We went to the car outside that was ready for us. I asked the driver for his name. It was David Burke and I decided to call him David. We drove to the radio station in London where David let us out.

"I'll be here again at 5 Mr Sheeran."

"Thanks. Call me Ed please !"

David grinned and drove away. We went inside where a busy looking, dark haired tall man ran towards us. He introduced himself as Steve Bolton and said quickly:

I See Fire (Ed Sheeran ff)Where stories live. Discover now