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My dad went missing when my mom was pregnant with me. He never came back since then. No phonecall, no text, nothing. Mom had nobody except for me so I promised to stay. I didn't want her to feel alone or sad. I knew how hard it was for her, but she never showed it. She was always smiling, and that showed me that she was really strong. I'm special for her. My dad left, so I was the only thing she had. She wanted to give me a special name, so she chose Elinnya. Mom and Tia were the only persons I could talk to. I loved Tia for that she accepted me the way I was.

There should be more people like her in the world.

I didn't know what to do, so I read some fanfictions on Wattpad. While I did that I listened to U.n.I from Ed Sheeran - what else ? ;) I loved the fast parts in it and I could almost rap it but at "And I'm always saying everyday that it was worth it" until "and we can go back to the day we fell in love just on our first kiss" I failed. I tried so hard everytime, but the words wouldn't come out right.

"I'll be able to do this someday!" I said to myself.


I put down my headphones.


"Tia's here!!"

What ? It was already 2:30?!

"Coming !"

I ran to the door.

"Tia !"

I gave her a hug.

"Ellie !"

"How's it going?"

"Fine. What about you ?"

"Too. A bit too nervous."

"I see. By the way, you're wearing your shirt the wrong way around ..."

"Oops ... come on, let's go to my room."

As soon as we were there, I took my shirt off and turned it around.

"You look beautiful ! Where'd you get that top from ?" I asked.

She was wearing a white crop top with "Kiss me" printed on it.

"Oh that's from Forever 21. There was a big sale and I thought that one was funny because of Ed's song, you know?" she said while sitting on my bed. I sat next to her.

"I love it. It fits you very well! I also love your jeans. You look so gorgeous!"

"Calm down, Ellie! The one who looks gorgeous here is you !"

"You know how I think about that. But thanks."

"Honey, you need to learn how to see yourself in a more positive way... you are not the reason for all the stuff going on lately." she whispered while leaning towards me.

"Thanks." I answered, also whispering. I was a bit upset now, because I really didn't want to think about these things.

"Let's do something. I don't want you in that sad mood now!"

"What do you wanna do? "

"I'll be back in a minute!"

Tia stood up and ran out of the room.

"Wait! What are you about .... to do?"

Too late. She was already gone.

I See Fire (Ed Sheeran ff)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें