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The next morning I woke up and looked for the time. 10:45 ... Wait ! VALERIE! I punched Ed, who slept on the sofa, and screamed:

"ED! It's 10:45! We have to leave !"

"Five more minutes." He groaned with his sleepy voice.

"No! What about our meeting with Valerie? You can't let her down."


I rushed to change my clothes and pulled Ed's cover away. He changed too and at 10:55, we were ready to leave. The café wasn't that far away for our luck. We went in and saw Valerie waiting at the table at the big window. She looked up, saw us coming and put on a bright smile. She stood up and gave un unexpected hug to both of us.

"Hey Valerie, " I started, "How's it going ?"

"Fine, thanks. I hope you too don't mind that I already had some coffee - I'm so tired you won't believe!"

"Oh, don't mind. We're -or at least I am tired too. Funny story ... " Ed joked as always.

We ordered two coffees, and two pieces of cake. Valerie was so warm-hearted. I took a bite of my lemon cake.  I zoomed out and had one of those scary visions again. But this time, it wasn't that scary ...

Lights. Brightness. Where was I ? I looked around. Surprisingly, I wasn't feeling any pain or fear. But where was Ed ? "Elinnya!" someone spoke with a soft voice. A beautiful, tall women with extreme long, blonde, curvy hair appeared in front of me. A small smile flew across her innocent face. "Come with me, we need your help. Edward is already with us. He'll be fine again." "What happened?" "I'll tell you. Now, let us go to a safer place.", she said and reached for my hand. "Who are you?"

"Linn ?" Two wondering faces looked at me. "What ? Yes, I mean ... what was the question ?" "Are you alright ?" Ed an Valerie repeated. "Sure, I-I just ... Ed ? We have to explain her. Everything. " And then we told her everything, the dream, the visions. "Well ... don't think I'm crazy now please. But ... I saw it. A big red eye. Before I could tell anyone, the whole building was covered up in flames. I only saw it flying away. And I heard a noise ... like ... like a ..." "A dragon ?" "Um ... yes. " After concluding that this creature MUST have been a dragon - a real one-, we went to the park and spent therest of the day there, trying to get our mind clearer. When we got hungry, Ed's driver David took us to McDonalds. I was a bit angry at myself for eating so much fast food the whole wek, but actually, I didn't care at all right now. You can be loved the way you are, either you're skinny or not. The character is what counts. It's not about the way you look. And that's what I loved most about Ed - he always makes everyone feel special. It was already dark outside when the three of us were fooling around on the streets of London. But suddendly, a loud noise stopped us. I knew this noise. Ed and Valerie heard it too and looked at me. Silence. Then the earh started shaking heavyly. It got hot. Extremely hot. I closed my eyes and turned around slowly, then opened them again.

I See Fire (Ed Sheeran ff)Where stories live. Discover now