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I laid back again, listened to the calming music and closed my eyes. I noticed how the women started brushing my hair again and then braided it. I loved it when someone plays with my hair because it feels so good. I felt like falling asleep because I was so relaxed again, but right in that moment one of the women told me to look and say if I liked it. She held a little mirror for me and I was truly amazing by the work they did. I absolutely loved it.

"Thank you so much! I never knew that my hair could look like this!"

As an answer, both of them smiled at me, bowed down a bit and left the room. Galadriel, obviously amused, showed me where we were going to eat breakfast later. She told me to make myself comfortable at the table while she was going to wake up Ed and Valerie. A few minutes later, they came to the table in the same styled clothes as me. It was surprising how well they fit them. The food that we got was delicous. Almost as delicious as mum's pancakes ... No, no, I can't think about that now!  I forced myself to smile and forgot the thought. While eating, Galadriel told Ed and Valerie more about Smaug and then we learned some basics for living in middle earth, I was taught to speak some sentences in Quenya and Sindarin. After breakfast and getting all the information into our minds, we were brought to a big chamber with weapons and all this stuff. The lady of Lothlorièn told us to choose whatever we wanted.

"But choose wisely. Too many could be unhandy. And with those that don't go with you you will not be able to battle if neccesairy. "

We accepted her advice and I chose a medium lenght sword with a blade as sharp as razorblades and a small dagger. Both had graceful ornaments on their blades and reflected the sunlight as I moved them around. Valerie chose bow and arrow and Ed ... he just stood there and was staring into the air.

"Ed?", I said coming closer and slightly touching his shoulder, "Ed what's going on ?"

The lovely ginger-haired singer flinched, looked into my face and then onto the floor.

"I don' want to kill people. I don't want to hurt anyone."

"I know. Me neither. But probably, we'll have to."

He nodded with his still cute but sad face and turned around to search a weapon that would be okay for him after I gave him a tiny kiss on his cheek. I freaking loved him. Suddelndy I felt the ground vibrating.

"Guys do you feel that too?"

"Not only that ..." said Valerie with a scared face.

I turned around and had to let out a little scream before I pulled Ed and Valerie behind a wall. Galadriel had hidden herself and seconds later about 200 elves of their army ran in front of the building. The Nazgul were coming. They screamed and spit fire everywhere. And then I saw him. Smaug. Goosebumps came up all over my body. I focused on him and somehow noticed that he was going to attack the back of the building.

"I'm sorry guys. I have to do this alone. I love you." I said quickly to Valerie and Ed. One last look and I started running to the garden as fast as possible. I pushed the back door at the otherside open ad ran outside.

"I am here Smaug! Come here!"

And then he appeared. He came nearer and nearer. He was only about 20 meters away from me now. My sword was resting in my shaking hand, directly facing him. Oh my god. Oh my god. Okay Elinnya, stay calm, you can do this. All the sudden I felt something in my chest. It was an undefinable feeling, but now I knew what I had to do.

"Lasto beth nîn, tolo dan nan galad!"

Just when the giant black creature wanted to spit fire, he stopped in his movement.

"Tolo dan nan galad!" I screamed at him again, dropping my sword. I directed my hand at him and focused on his eyes and his head. My eyes twisted and I closed them. I had control now. It was crazy! Horrifing but amazing at the same time. I commanded him. I was inside of his head and told him to go back where he came from and that he is not going to come back. And he exactly did that. I opened my eyes again and could see him flying away with all the Nazgul. I had to laugh and then collapsed onto the ground.

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