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The next morning, I was woken up by the sound of Galadriels soft voice.

"Don't be too noisy, We don't want to wake them up, do we ?"

I blinked at her really really sleepy and nodded.

"Do I have to get up ?"

"Yes you do."

I moaned and slowly pulled the blanket  away. The bed was unbelievably soft and warm, so comfortable you would not believe. I wanted to stay in there forever instead of saving the whole universe, which still seemed to be so crazy. While getting up, I got that dizzy feeling that you get sometimes when you stand up too quick. I squeezed my eyes together and waited until the black dots in my view dissapeared.

"Are you alright Elinnya?" Galadriel asked a bit worried.

"Yes, yes, I'm fine. I was just standing up too quickly."

She took me by the hand and showed me some new clothes as soon as I could see normally again. They were wonderful. There were brown pants and boots, a long, green shirt and a dark green coat. I put it on and another elf brought a leather corsage and arm protectors. He helped me to put them on too and told me:

"You look like a Valar, Miss. I have never seen anyone that precious."

I thanked him and gave him a smile. He did a little sign of respect and left then. Galadriel was still standing next to me and brought me to a mirror. Like the elf said, I looked stunning in the clothing and that was the first time in so long that I was pleased to see myself in the mirror. Finally, some clothes that I liked on my body. After that, Galadriel took me to a little room where someone played the harp and another one the flute. A majestic throne-like-chair was standing in the middle, next to it, a little desk with a hairbrush, water, a towel and a shiny box on it.

"Sit down please." The lady of Lothlorién told me. I nodded with widely opened eyes. Even though I had a little headache from crying so much yesterday, I felt amazingly comfortable there. Two beautiful women with blonde, long and very comlicated braided hair came into the bright room. Obviously, they were the hairdressers here and as soon as I was sitting in the soft chair, they began to brush my hair and sang while doing it. I've never heard such amazing, soft and graceful voices before. I could completely relax now. Galadriel took another chair and sat down in front of me. Did I ever notice how iced-blue her eyes were ? I don't think so. All the sudden I heard a voice talking in my head. It was her voice. I did not dare to look away from her eyes.

"I need to talk to you. I am using telepathy so no one else can hear us now. That is really important those days. To answer me, just say your answer with your inner voice alright?"


"Well then ... Smaug. He is one of the cruelest dragons that are existing. He was tought to be dead for long, but now he appeared again. He escaped into your universe, and if he did that once, he can surely do it a second or third time. If we do not stop him, he will end up killing and destroying everyone and everything. The problem is, that we can not do anything against him. That is why we need you. You are the last Elen. That is the Quenya word for "Star". The Eleni were a really important folk of the elves. They protected middle earth and were the so called mothers and fathers of the dragons. They took care of them and controlled them, they were the only ones who were able to. But one day, exactly one decade before you were born, the dark lord Sauron came up to them and assasinated most of them in order to steal their dragons and use them for his evil powers. You might know these dragons as the dragons of the Nazgul now. "

The two behind me did not seem to notice what was going on, they only went on doing my hair. They put it into a bowl and washed it with a chalky powder from the box that smelled like decent and magnificent flowers. I listened carefully to Galadriels voice as she went on.

"Some Eleni were used as slaves for the dark lord. But time passed by and the hard work was just too much for them which caused their death. Everyone believed them to be all dead. That is the background history you need to know Elinnya. But some days ago, when Smaug attacked and build a portal to other universes, I did a little research in the old books and found a descreption of you. The last Elen. Now you are here and we need your help."

"I don't know how to help. "

"Don't worry. As soon as you are in the right situation, you will know how to fight him. "

"Are you sure ?"

"Absolutely. Elinnya, you can do it. Or no one else will."

I nodded slightly. Nobody talked further, so I just took profit of getting my hair washed and dried. When they were completely dried, it felt like a ton of weight was taken off my shoulders.

"What is this ?" I asked.

"This," the woman pointed at the box, "This is powder made out of the elanor flower. It makes your hair light and soft. It lets it grow qicker as well."

"Oh thanks. That's interesting." I replied.

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