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Before even realizing what I was doing, I jumped into Ed's arms, kissed him shortly and pulled Valerie into the hug too.

"It's so good to see that you two are fine!" I whispered relieved.

"Yes it is. Same here!" Valerie agreed.

We ended the hug then and started talking.

"We were so worried about you ... Anyways, you must be someone special. I saw it and I think it has to do something with the dragon." Ed began.

"Smaug. Its name is Smaug." Galadriel was standing in the doorframe and came in while continuing. "The last time he appeared, he caused chaos and fear. He escaped. Everyone thought he was dead. Until now. He has awaken and found a way to your earth. He could have done so much damage. Now he's here again and is threatening all of us. That's why we need your help Elinnya."

"In what way ? I mean, I don't even know what's so special about me - and why is it ME any way ? I don't want to be special, I don't know how to help. My self esteem is litterally at zero for years now and yesterday was the first evening in a very long time I had fun. And then something bad happened. And it's always like this. It's always my fault. Everything. I mess up all the time and that's why I think I can't help you. No possibility that I am some kind of 'special' !" I responded with tears in my eyes, letting out things that nobody knew I thought and trying not to break down.

Valerie and Ed stared at me with dropped jaws and wiping some tiny tears out of the corners of their eyes. Galadriel gave me a really sharp look.

"Young lady. I don't think you've  recognized your true identity, have you ? You ARE special. You are the only one who can fight this dragon. The only one who can save middle earth. The only one who has the ability to save every existent universe."

Hold it back Elinnya, hold it back. Stay strong, don't cry, don't cry, don't cry .... fuck.

I felt so bad. I didn't even want to be here. I didn't want to be special, I wanted to be a normal boring girl. I didn't want to have these thoughts, I didn't want to be the "emo" who everyone thinks cuts themselves and is suicidal ... but now I was.  And some fictional character just tried to tell me I should fight a dragon in a world that I knew for 10 minutes. Great. Maybe it will kill me and everyone will be happy. Why not. I've got nothing to loose. Now I was sobbing and Ed took me into his warm, loving arms. Valerie told Galadriel that this might be a little much for one time and that I needed to get some rest and time to think. She also said that she'll try and talk to me. Galadriel understood and left for now. Ed, I and Valerie were now alone in the room. We all haven't slept mich so we decided to go to sleep a bit. Soon, we were all in the warm beds and closed our eyes.

I See Fire (Ed Sheeran ff)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora