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I had just gotten home from the hardest day of my life, when my parents decided to jump my ass about my grades, which ended with me stomping up the stairs to my room after making it look like it was their fault.

I scrolled down my tumblr feed wishing everyday didn't have to be like this. Day after day after day of being in this homework infested middle child hell. My older sister, Callie, was the epitome of perfection in my parents eyes (imagine that) and my little seven year old brother, Nate, was too wild for my parents to even bother with.

I was seventeen and I already wanted to escape life, I couldn't imagine how bad it would get when I was older and there would be more pressure put on me to get better grades, and go to a great college, and get an amazing job, and get married. That's all like felt like to me, pressure. I lived in a nice house in southern California, what was the problem? So many kids would like to be where I was, right?

Yeah, no.

See, my parents explained to me once that every parent wants to see their child succeed and do better than they have. With my dad being a producer of a talk show and my mom a CEO of an electronics company, they didn't leave me much fucking room, did they?

I laid in my bed with the clear fairy lights strung over my bed lighting my light grey walls just enough to see the white furniture in my room, I was actually still scared of the dark, but I wasn't going to tell anyone that. I just broke down my fear of the dark to actually mean that I was just afraid of the unknown just like I was afraid of my own unknown future.

I wasn't a stupid kid, but my parents made me feel that way. In all honesty, I wanted to be stupid, I wanted to waste all my time reblogging things on tumblr all day and stalking bands on Twitter, that's honestly just what I wanted to do with my life.

I skipped dinner tonight not wanting to have to deal with another lecture from my parents in front of my goodie goodie sister and have them compare us both while my little brother calls me stupid. I'll just take a pass on that shit there, no thanks. I just stayed in my room and let the warmth of my laptop on my stomach like a warm hug, lull me to sleep.

I woke up feeling really sore for some reason, that is actually what woke me up to begin with, that and the sun pouring in my window.

The sun pouring in my window?! I was late for school!! I tried to check my alarm clock only to be met with its blank numberless face looking at me, that's why it didn't go off, was it broken. I cursed my clock under my breath and reached for my trusty phone on its charger next to the deceased clock.

Ten in the morning, fuck, I was two hours late for school. Thank god I had fallen asleep in my clothes from yesterday, I had no time to get dressed, I hope no one made fun of me for wearing the same thing two days in a row, doesn't matter, late.

I put my shoes grabbed my backpack on and ran down stairs to see that everyone had already left and I had a twelve block jog ahead of me to school.

I was hungry from skipping dinner last night but I seriously had no time to waste. I ran to school in a panic just thinking about how the school was probably calling my parents right now to tell them I was skipping class or something, I dreaded another talk from my parents where they pretty much called me lazy.

It was hot as hell outside and I was drenched in sweat from the combination of jogging to school, the LA heat, and panic.

When I reached the school I stopped, there were no busses or cars parked out front. I called myself stupid for making an excuse to not go in already, I was being dumb.

However, when I reached the doors of the school I went to fling one open and walk inside only for my arm to be met with resistance. Locked.
I pulled out my phone once again thinking maybe it was Saturday.

Yeah, just like you Amelia to fucking go in on a SUNDAY. I scolded myself.

I was wrong, my phone read Wednesday. I had also noticed that my phone was only halfway charged despite it being left on the charger all night.

My clock was broken and my phone was halfway charged, the power must have went out at my house sometime last night and it wast fixed yet.

But why did my phone say Wednesday and the school was closed? Was it a holiday? I tried to google it on my phone but I just kept getting an error message, did my parents not pay the phone bill?

I took my face from my phone a moment to cross the street on my way back home. I can't believe I walked all the way here for nothing, what was wrong with me?

As is crossed the street I got this weird feeling and I immediately realized why.

There were no cars.

There were no fucking cars.

Everything was absolutely silent, a very scary silent that I had not noticed before.

Oh my god. What was this?

I picked up my pace as my heart and mind raced.

Calm down, stop scaring yourself. Are you on drugs or something? My inner voice said.

Was I on drugs? No, I had never taken drugs in my life. I slowed my speed and just tried to enjoy the scenery but I just couldn't shake the feeling of being completely alone and the silence.

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