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I laid on his chest in bed as we watched some anime that he had brought back with him that he said I needed to watch. I felt one of his fingers mindlessly trace shapes on my back as he breathed slow.
We seemed like a couple.
We now lived in an actual house together, slept together every night, had meals together and flirted with each other just as a couple would.
It seemed more like newly weds than a couple, really. I bet this is what two people who were just married felt like, being free and never getting enough of each other. There was something missing though.

"Hypothetically," I said getting his attention "What would you say if I said I've decided I wanted children."

"Hypothetically, now or someday?" He asked back.

"Hypothetically whenever you're ready." I replied.

"Well I would say, hypothetically of course, do you love me?" He said.

"I don't know... Do you love me?" I asked.

"Hypothetically?" He asked with a laugh knowing this wasn't hypothetical.

"Stop." I laughed at him.

"Okay." He said and I heard him take a breath. "I've thought about it, especially a lot today for some reason and I think in a situation like this where two people are put together with no one else, it would be easy for them to fall in love, and also probably really hate each other at times. So, yeah, I think I do love you." He said. "How do you feel about me?"

"I don't know, I've never been in love before so I don't know what it's like I guess. But what you said in the kitchen about the world ending and me saving yours or something, I feel that way too. I feel like everything would be so bad without you, I wouldn't want to do this without you, I wouldn't of been able to stand it. I'm so grateful for you. And when I was looking at all those things in the child's room, I just... I thought you would be a good dad, I guess I could see it."

"Then hypothetically, I don't think we're quite there yet. I don't think we should if one of us doesn't love the other, babies deserve to be born with parents that love each other. You could easily realize you hate me at anytime, things could change. Not only that, I'm worried about you being so small and thin and the complications that could come from that, I don't know, it just worries me to think about even though you're healthy."

"How about this." I said "I've made up my mind and I'm sure I love you. I'll work on gaining more weight if it worries you for some reason, and maybe we can just forget about the slow thing and let whatever happens, happen." I said.

"Okay, fair enough. But you know we have all the time in the world, right?" He said.

"I know." I replied and I looked up at him and kissed him.

"But." He said before giving me one more kiss "It can't happen right now though, I'm watching anime." He grinned.

"Oh my god you're such a nerd." I groaned.

"I haven't gotten to watch anime in a really really long time, give me a break."

"Fine." I sighed. I knew he was still awake when I fell asleep because he continued to trace little circles on my back. It was just so easy to fall asleep with his warm body next to mine.

I woke up to a crash like something glass falling to the floor. I realized the room was shaking as a deafening hum shook my ears.

"Dan!" I said and now saw that he was out of bed and looking out the window with a look of shock and horror on his face. "What are you Looking at? We need to get out."

"We can't." He said almost emotionlessly, I could tell he was in some kind of shock. I jumped up and went to see what he was looking at out the window. The whole neighborhood as far as I could see was breaking apart in the morning sunrise. The ground was cracked and pulling itself apart in huge gaps in so many places. It was of the earth itself was just crumbling.

The bedroom tv came off the wall and crashed to the floor snapping me out of my gaze outside and kicking on my adrenaline. I took Dan by the hand and tried to pull him along with me, but he stood firmly in his place.

I heard a loud crash of something outside.

"Come on!" I yelled at him desperately and tried to pull at him again.

"Amelia, we can't get out this time, there's nowhere to go." He said calmly even though the house was shaking.

I had to try at least.
I had to get him to move.
Things were crashing to the floor around us as the house shook.

"Please!" I screamed at him as tears ran down my eyes, I tried to tug at him again. "Just come on!" I screamed making my voice hurt.

"Amelia, there's no way out. The gaps are too big, there's lava flowing out of some of them now." He said still calmly even though there was chaos around us and the world was breaking apart. I began to hysterically cry as the house creaked, groaned and shook.

He was right.

"But it's going to be okay." He said and led me to the bed and pulled me into it and into him. "Just close your eyes and don't open them, no matter what, okay?" He held me so close and so tight against him and I squeezed my eyes shut as I sobbed.

I heard a loud crack making me scream.

"Don't open them." His voice seemed distressed but he continued to whisper to me.

"I love you." I told him through my cries.

"I love you too and nothing is going to hurt you, okay? Just think back to the beach and how good of a day that was." I felt a sudden hold under us making me scream again.

"I don't want to die." I cried.

"Shhh. There's nothing to be scared of, nothing at all. I've got you, just don't open your eyes."

I squeezed him as tightly as I could.

"Just don't be scared." I now knew he was crying too
"Fuck." I heard him mumble.

There was another crash and my scream was cut off by silence.

Just absolute silence and nothingness.

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