The Last Man

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I did the same thing for three days.
At least I got a little better at driving, considering there was no one else on the roads anyway. I drove through neighborhoods just to check and see if there was anyone else at all.

I had finally decided to go to a grocery store and get some canned foods, bottled water, and other things. I rode my cart down the isles like a scooter throwing in random items when I heard something.


Oh my god?! Was it one of the aliens that took everyone looking for any survivors?! I quickly hid at the end of an isle as I heard the foot steps get closer and stop.

"Hello?" The voice asked in an accent. I peeped around the corner and my mouth dropped in shock. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

I knew that tall, brown eyed, brown haired guy... Well I didn't actually know him.

I shoved my head further out from behind its hiding place.

"Are you fucking kidding me? Are you Dan god damned Howell?" I said not even me saying the words made me believe they were true. He seemed suddenly shocked.

"Bloody fucking Christ!" He said in surprise at my words as he flailed only stopping when he realized I wasn't even close to him, I was still hiding behind the end of the isle. He slowly came closer and narrowed his eyes at me.

"Yeah... Who the fuck are you then?" He asked carefully as he tried to see the rest of me. "Never mind that, do you know what happened to everybody?" He asked and I slipped further behind my hiding spot because it was fucking Dan Howell standing there.

"No." I answered.

"Come on out." He urged.

"No! You're fucking Dan Howell!" I said.

"So? I'm also the last man on earth and after four days of no human contact I could really use some right now." He said, my inner fan girl screamed and I leaped out to hug him, surprising him.

"Okay, okay. Too much human contact." He said and I quickly got off him.

"What the fuck are you even doing here?" I asked him not understanding how this monumental coincidence happened.

"Hell if I know, I woke up in my hotel and everyone was gone, even Phil." He said a bit sadly.

"No, why are you in America? Or even LA?" I asked and he looked at me if I was stupid.

"I was ending my tour. I was supposed to do our last show the day I woke up and everyone was just gone. Have you seen anyone else?" He asked me.

"No." I said sadly as I came out of hiding and stood in front of him.

"What even is all this?" He asked as he ran his hand through his hair in disbelief looking slightly stressed.

"My theory is aliens." I shrugged and he gave me another disbelieving look like what the fuck is wrong with you?

"Stop looking at me like that!" I said.

"Aliens? Really?" He asked unamused.

"Are you joking? Everyone on the earth has magically vanished but us, which is impossible, and you're standing there looking at me like I'm stupid for my theory of aliens? After this I'll believe Bigfoot is real and takes rides on Nessy in a god damned damn tutu!" I said to him.

"Yeah... But aliens though?" He asked.

"Dan, the universe is infinite as far as we know." I pointed out.

"Don't remind me." He said "So what is your name since I asked before and you ignored my question rudely."

"Because you asked rudely! I believe you said who the fuck are you then?"

"Well what is it?!" He asked getting frustrated with me.

"Amelia, it's Amelia!" I said angrily.

"Okay? Whatever Amelia, I'm out." He said and turned to walk away.

"Wait!" I said urgently making his black jeaned legs stop and turn around to look at me with flat unamused eyes.

Cool, he already hated me.

"If we're the last two people on earth shouldn't we stick together?" I asked nervously.

"No? Wait... How old are you?" He asked and looked me over, not not in a sexy way more so in a you look like a child way.

"Seventeen." I stated.

"Then you're plenty adult enough to do you're own thing." He said and walked off as I just stood there in disbelief at what a dick he actually was.

"So much for an idol." I mumbled to myself and took my cart and pushed it to the front of the store where my car was parked with shatters of glass covering it. I bagged up my things and began to put them into the trunk when I saw a hand take some of them from me scaring the hell out of me once again.

I looked at Dan with furrowed angry brows as he put the last of my groceries in to the trunk and stopped to look at me.

"A thank you would be nice." He said.

"I didn't ask for your help!" I yelled at him. "And you're right, I'm old enough to take care of myself, that includes putting my own groceries in my trunk." I huffed and got into the car, revved the engine, and backed up, pulling out of the already broken window from my entrance. He threw up his hands as he watched me zoom off down the road.

"What an asshole." I mumbled to myself as I blasted some twenty one pilots that I remembered to bring today.

I went home and I wasn't quite sure what to do, so I just sat in my bed and ate, and ate, and then ate some more.

One of my idols, Dan Howell was literally the last man on earth and I was the last woman, and he refused to be around me, was I really that awful just from talking to him once?

I felt sad. Everything was so quiet and I was so alone eating in my bed with candles surrounding me. The silence felt heavy and piercing.

I kicked the empty chip bags off my bed and laid down. I missed real food, I missed my mom's food. Even though she was busy all the time she still found a way to make something for dinner even if it was prepared ahead of time and came from the fridge. I still hadn't gotten a shower, maybe I could wash my hair and body with bottles of water tomorrow.

This all sucked so bad now.

I started to cry, but I stopped myself and pushed everything far out of my mind and tried my hardest to fall asleep.

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