Build Me A Castle

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I resurfaced to see him hysterically laughing. "You look like a drowned rat"

"Shut up, you dick." I splashed him right in the face.

He bit his bottom lip and scrunched up his face again to splash me with full force, but I went under the water just in time for him to miss me.

"You fucker." He laughed once I came back up and splashed him in the face again. "That's it." He said and dove for me.

"No!" I squealed with laughter and tried to swim away but he locked his arms under me and dragged me under for a second.

I came back up choking on seawater as I laughed.

"I told you I was going to drown you." He said wildly.

"Too bad you didn't." I countered.

"I'm not done trying!" He shouted and lunged at me again, this time immediately catching me and locking his hands around my torso pressing our bodies together.

"Stop you ass!" I screamed a him and splashed him in the face with my still free hands.

"Stop, stop. Hold on a second." He said lowering the loudness of his voice.

"No." I squeaked and continued to try to get free .

"I'm not letting you go." He said calmly with a smile. I quit struggling and realized he was trying to have some kind of moment with me as he held my body against his, our faces were close.

The comparison of his warm, bare chest against my skin surrounded by the slightly cooler water sent shivers through me.

"You better not try to kiss me again." I warned him with a smile.

"Why? You going to smack the shit out of me or something?" He laughed back "Why would you even think I would do something like that again anyway?" He was clearly joking.

"I might. And you brought your face super close to mine there, Howell."

"Yeah?" He teased and brought his face even closer. I could feel my heart pound. "I could risk getting slapped right now, or I could just let you go free." He said.

"So which is it gonna be?" I asked as I now couldn't help but look into his brown eyes.

I felt his warm arms pull themselves off me. I looked at him again before splashing him in the face.

"I trusted you!" He said in playful agony.

"You shouldn't have." I said as I swam away from him just in case he wanted revenge.

"Come here." He said.

"No." I replied "You're going to splash me!"

"No I'm not, come here." He smiled.

"If you weren't going to then why are you smiling?" I argued.

"Because you're stupid, come here." He laughed.


"Yes!" He argued.


"Just come here and climb up on my shoulders. I'm not going to splash you." He assured me.

"Fine." I groaned and swam back over to him.

He managed to help me up onto his shoulders and held onto my thighs.

"Ready?" He asked.

"For what?"

He pushed up under my thighs sending me backwards and screaming off his shoulders and into the water.

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