Fall of mankind

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I re entered my house to see no one home again.

I went straight to the still cold refrigerator and got out some leftovers from dinner last night before I realized the power was out and the microwave didn't work either. That's alright, I didn't mind cold leftovers, besides it still looked heavenly and I was too hungry to care at that point. I took my Tupperware container of lasagna and walked through the seemingly empty house.

"Mom?! Dad?! Callie?! Nate?!" I called through the house with a mouth full of food but no one answered. I checked all the rooms thinking if it was enough of a holiday for school to close then Nate would have to be here with mom or dad or Callie. I went out to the garage and dropped my fork in shock back into the Tupperware container when I saw that their cars were all here... And they weren't.

This was a joke. This was a joke to teach me a lesson. How would they go this far though? What if all of this wasn't my imagination? What if their weren't any cars on the street? What if it wasn't a holiday? What if the power didn't just go off? What if my phone was right? What if I was alone?

The thought sent my heart racing. I went outside and ran across the road, I wasn't thinking. I was desperate as knocked on the neighbor's door only for them not to answer with their car still in the driveway too.

I became more panicked.

I went to the next house, the same thing, and the one after that and after that, eventually I had been to every house in my block running around and desperately knocking on doors.

My shirt was covered in sweat and I felt dazed as I walked back to my house. Where was everyone? How could they all disappear? Why was I not gone too?
What took them? Were they all dead?
Or was I the one that was dead?

"Hello?!" I shouted as I went back to my front yard, but there was nothing, making me head back inside.

It was starting to get hot in here with the air not working and all. I went into the kitchen and got a glass from the cabinet and tried to turn the water on, but nothing came out. I sighed and put the glass back in the cabinet in defeat.

What was I going to do? I still couldn't believe this was happening and I tried to make more excuses to find a reason for this, it just wasn't logical. I had to be dreaming or something.

Suddenly I had an idea.

There's only one way to find out if everyone was actually gone.

I went up to my parents room and grabbed the keys to my moms black BMW off her nightstand, but paused when I realized that their bed was neatly made. I curiously went to my sisters room and opened the door to see the same thing, a neatly made bed, no clothes on the floor (as if she would anyway). My little brother's room was the eeriest by far. His bed had never been made, but it was this time, there were no toys scattered on the floor and it was just quiet. I quickly walked out of his room slamming the door behind me and shuddering.

I went back out to the garage and got in the drivers seat of the car and started it.

Fuck. I mumbled to myself. The automatic garage door wouldn't open because of the power.

I didn't really know how to drive, but I figured now was probs the best time to learn.

I put the car in reverse and pushed the gas pedal down quite hard sending me zooming through the garage door and onto the side walk even partially into the neighbors lawn.

"That's for being too busy to teach me how to drive." I mumbled to myself "motherfuckers" I added.

I took the car out of reverse and peeled off down the empty road. At least I had air conditioning in the car. As I rode off down the street in my moms car I realized this wouldn't probably be so bad after all, I felt okay with the complete lack of people, if anything I would enjoy this.

I turned on the radio in the car and flipped through the channels only to be met with a weird static making me quickly switch it off, it was a shame my mom wouldn't let me keep CDs in her car, next time I'll remember to bring some.

I finally reached Rodeo Drive to see no traffic, no crowded sidewalks, no one in the fancy stores and restaurants lining it. This confirmed to me, everyone was gone.

Well, time to fucking go shopping, am I right? Well how was I going to get in? I didn't have anything to break the glass with, except...

I reversed the car in front of one of the stores and slammed on the gas pedal making me crash through the window with power. I let out a  squeal as I mowed down some mannequins on the other side of the now broken glass

I got out of the car and stood in the middle of the fancy clothing store.

"My apologies, did I just crash my new BMW through your fancy store window? Put it on my bill." I said with a fake posh voice as if someone was listening.

I had tried on so many outfits just right there in the middle of the store, didn't need a dressing room when no one was there to see you, right?

When I had gotten all the clothes I wanted and packed them into my moms car. I returned back to my house unsure of what else to do as the sun now begun to set. I parked the BMW right across my front lawn wanting to avoid the hassle or the garage and me not being able to park anyway.

"Honey! I'm home!" I yelled into my empty house with my new nice clothes slung over my shoulder.

I dropped them onto the living room couch and I plopped down looking at my new awesome boots, jeans and shirt. Damn, I looked good in black.

Maybe tomorrow I'd get some makeup.  Actually... I could do or have whatever I wanted, the thought was thrilling.

It began to get dark in my house as the last of the sun flickered through the big window in my living room. I ran around the house and gathered up all the candles in my and brought them up to my room along with an emergency lighter my family kept.

I lit them all, around my room and got into my pajamas then curled up into bed.

I felt scared, I tried not to think about the thought of me possibly being completely alone in the world.  How was I supposed to eat? How was I supposed to shower or go to the bathroom? I mean I just peed when I got home but didn't flush it knowing no water would return to the toilet.

Was I going to be alone forever? Was this the end of mankind?

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