You Can't Do That

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We sat there quietly and watched the fireworks, he seemed so impressed and I guess that proved to him that I had never stopped trying too impress him.

It was a long hike in the dark back to the car, but it wasn't as hard going down hill this time.

I got in the driver's seat and he got in the passenger's seat.

"When am I allowed to kiss you?" He asked me. "I mean we're together, right? And honestly I thought about it up there but I decided not to make the same mistake as the first time and have you get mad at me. So I just figured I should ask first." He said.

I just gave him a shrug.

"Oh wow. Thank you for your in depth answer." He said with playful sarcasm.

"I guess it's fine whenever you want now." I told him. "I can tell you've gotten past the fact that I'm eighteen."

"What's it even matter anymore?" He asked "Do you think it matters?" He asked.

"No, not really. I mean with some things I think it does, like popping out your children, but mostly no. I've just kind of felt like we were the same age for a while now. We're just two people now I guess."

"I've felt like that too. I really hope I'm not pushing you into anything that you don't want to. I understand that you want this to work like a relationship would have before all this, that's why I've been wanting to take you on dates and go out with you, I mean I enjoy it too of course but I just understand what you want this to be, I understand you want normality and security. I know the baby thing was really weird and pretty pushy of me but I want you to know that all of this isn't to just get in your pants or whatever. I just like you and I want to build a life someday, you know? I don't think I'd really want this with too many other people either, so it's not because you're literally the last woman on earth either. The baby thing wasn't just about me and my dreams, I wasn't being selfish. I just think down the road you'd be a good mum, you're a really caring person. I don't know where I'm going with all this." He chuckled "I guess what I'm trying to ultimately say here is that I like you, I'm not just trying to go to you because I'm a bit lonely and bored, I like you."

"Well I mean you could have just given me the shortened version first before you brought up the baby thing again and scared me with it."

"Sorry." I heard him smile "I'm so obviously bad at talking to women."

"I knew you were gay." I said.

"Not entirely." He said taking me by actual surprise.

"You said you were straight, you were so adamant about it." I said.

"Well I'm not straight and I'm not gay, I'm sure you can understand what I'm getting at here."

"You're Asexual, aren't you?" I smirked.

"No." He said dryly.

"Pansexual! Bisexual!" I shouted as if I was on a game show and competing for the right answer with someone else.

"Yeah sure." He finally said.

"Then why'd you tell me you were straight?" I asked.

"I dunno I guess I'm straight now that you're the last person on earth." He joked.

"Wait... did you and Phil actually have something together then?" I asked with wide eyes.

"Really?" He rolled his eyes at me.

"You didn't say yes or no." I accused.

"No, and we haven't had a thing together for years." He admitted and my eyes got wide.

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