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I went to my room and got into my pajamas before going out into the hall and seeing that Dan had his door open.

I walked in and closed the door behind me to see him already in bed and just starting a movie. There was an empty place right beside him and I automatically climbed into it and under the covers with him.

"What do you want to do tomorrow?" He asked.

"Hmmmm... I don't know yet. I want to choose this time though." I said.

"I kind of hoped you would." I heard the smile in his voice as I looked at the tv screen.

"I will." I assured him with a smile back.

"Hey." He said suddenly and lifted his arm on my side making me look at him "come here."

I knew what he had wanted me to do and I thought it over a few seconds before sliding in there and resting my head on his chest with his arm under my neck. His hand played with the back of my hair as we watched the movie silently.

I listened to his heart beating at a rhythmic and calm pace. I could have fallen asleep there, but I just couldn't for some reason.

It was nearing the end of the movie and I had thought he might be asleep until he whispered to me.

"Are you still awake?"

"Yeah." I whispered back.

"I thought you might have fallen asleep on me."

"Did you want me to?" I asked him keeping our voices at a whisper.

"Yeah." He kind of laughed

"I'm sorry I ruined your hopes then." I replied.

"It's alright, I can't sleep so I'm glad you're still awake."

"I can't sleep either."

"Well, why don't we do something about it?" He asked.

"Dan, no." I sighed at him.

"Not like that." He gave another light laugh. "Why don't we do something?" He asked.

I thought about it for a minute.

"Alright." I agreed and sat up. "Come on." I said to him with a smirk.

He didn't question me, he just followed me out of the room and down the hall, down the stairs, out the lobby and outside.

I roamed the parking lot looking for something.

"When I said we should do something, I don't think I meant roaming a parking lot barefoot." He said as I saw what I was looking for.

"Shh. Just come with me."

I went over to an old red 50's ish looking convertible that I had seen out here and admired before.

"It's probably not unlocked." He stated and I easily pulled the door open.

"Well fuck me, I guess it is." He said in surprise. "It still has no keys, you lump."

I rolled my eyes at him and down on my knees with half my body under the steering wheel.

"I taught myself to do this before I left so there wasn't another desert incident." I told him as I worked on the wires that I had freed.

"If you get it to run I will flip my shit." He said and within a few moments the engine came to life and I turned around to see his surprised reaction.

"Okay. You just hot wired that car and it was pretty badass and kind of hot, not going to lie." He said as I got in the passenger's seat.

"Just get in." I laughed at his stupidity.

I looked at the modernly updated radio inside car.

"Where's Danny Brown when you need him?" I laughed as I began to pull out of the parking space.

"Right here actually." He held up his phone with a grin before messing with the Bluetooth on the radio for a second.

More awful rap came through the speakers, but I just rolled with it this time.

He held my hand as I drove with the top down so we could see the stars.
The prettiest thing was when we drove through all the hills at a fast speed as he sang along to Whitney Huston in a high pitched voice while throwing his hands in the air.

He seemed so happy and his brown eyes were so full of life, it made me smile. I thought it was funny at how much of Danisnotonfire I had seen today, he seemed to be like that when he felt happy.

Things began to get quiet and the volume on the music had went down. I knew he was looking at me, but I didn't mind. The breeze felt so nice on my skin, everything just felt so nice.

"What are thinking about?" He asked me.

"You really want to know?" I asked him with a smile.

"Yeah, I mean I did ask." He laughed.

"You." I replied.

"Oh yeah? What about me?" I felt his thumb run softly over the skin on the back of my hand giving me goosebumps.

"I like it when you smile, that's all I was thinking." I was honest with him.

"You wouldn't have admitted that when it first started, you would have just pulled some kind of stunt to get my attention." He said.

"No I wouldn't of." I denied, but we both knew he was right.

"Explain the whole heels and bathing suit thing from back then?" He said.

"Okay, I admit I was trying to get your attention then." I laughed.

"What about when you were trying to make us breakfast so you could impress me and didn't actually know how to cook and burnt your hand?"

"Yeah, I guess that too."

"Or all the little fits you threw just to get me to apologize and do something special for you or your little trip to the desert?"

"Okay already. I did want your attention." I laughed in embarrassment of my past mistakes.

"But you have it now, and you don't seem to even care." He said.

"Of course I still want your attention, I just figure there's better ways of getting it. I did all that back when I didn't actually really know you. I told you I was stupid."

"Why can't you be a little stupid now?" He asked.

"Because you obviously hated it, I even hated me like that."

"It was cute." He admitted.

"What do you think I'm trying to do right now? Obviously I was trying to impress you by hot wiring this car. I guess I never stopped making you like me, even after you did."

"You are so beautiful right now." I barely heard him say, but I know I had heard it nonetheless. "You can stop trying to impress me for the night though and go home now. I'm a bit tired."

I drove back to the hotel and we headed back up to his room.
He crawled back into bed first and pulled me back into the position we were on with my head on his chest and his arm around me.
He once again played with little strands of my hair and I was finally able to fall asleep.

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