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We both watched the sunset over the water, it was nice and kind of sweet.

"So this is a thing." He said out of nowhere. "I mean like we are, right?" He clarified.

"Yeah but I just want things to be... you know..."

"Nice and slow, I know."

The sun burned with oranges and pinks in the sky and reflected and glistened off of the moving ocean. It was calming.

"Back before the world ended we couldn't have been a thing, could we?" I asked him.

"No." He said regretfully "Not only do we live in different countries, but I would have weighed you down." He said as he looked down and pointlessly picked little grains of sand off his towel.
It was funny because I felt the same, I felt like I would of weighed him down with my age, he would have probably been ridiculed if people would have found out.

"You know, you're so smart, and funny and pretty that I don't think your parents or you have worried as much as you did about what you were going to do with your life. You could of done anything really. If you would have met me and somehow we had started dating before all this, I would of probably destroyed it somehow. The truth is, you wouldn't have needed me before this. You didn't need some lonely, depressed guy whining about his money and still living with his flat mate, you're too good for that. I'm pretty confident you would have ended up with a better job and a better guy than me, but I'm just all that's left now."

"You're not so bad." I nudged him "But you're probably right, we would have fucked each others lives up. I'm okay with this though, it's okay here and now, you know? Maybe you're right, maybe this was all supposed to happen just because the universe couldn't see any other fathomable way of pushing us together. I don't know, both of us could just sit here and theorize things forever, but I guess it doesn't matter. It's like god, isn't it? We'll never actually know the truth."

"I like you though. I wanted to make sure you knew that. I like you quite a bit actually."

"I like you quite a bit too." I replied. I felt his hand slip into mine.

We didn't sit there for too much longer before he asked me if I wanted to go home.
I agreed, but it was funny, because when he called the hotel home, I had known exactly what he had meant.

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