A Good Day

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"Amelia?" I heard Dan's voice making me groan. I had just had a dream I was battling an evil humming demon.

"You think you could maybe get your feet out of my back?" He asked making me realize I was curled into a ball pressing my feet into his back. I immediately straightened out in the bed.

"Thanks." He said groggily.

"Sorry." I mumbled.

I had once again fallen asleep in Dan's bed. I think we both did this just so we didn't have to be alone and to know the other was still there. Or maybe he thought I was still scared of being by myself or scared of the dark.
I had noticed though that out of all the times I had slept in his bed with him, that this was the first time I had woken up with him still here in the morning.

"Today is beach day!" His voice seemed to want to be enthused but he just seemed tired still.

"Yay." I mocked his tired enthusiasm. I kind of regretted agreeing to it now, because the thought of laying in bed all day seemed more appealing currently, but I was set on us having fun. If we went, at least he wouldn't spend the day packing things we need to the hotel and doing work today, he needed this more than I did.

"You hungry?" He asked.

"Not really." I answered.

"Me neither." He said. "When do you want to leave?"

"Whenever you want." I told him.

"Might as well make a day of it and really enjoy it." He rolled over in the bed and faced the ceiling just like I was.

"Sure. I should probably go get ready then so you'll have to give me a minute."

"I'll need a minute to get ready as well, just meet me back here when you are." He said and I agreed before getting out of bed.
I quickly realized that the dress I was wearing last night and that I had slept in had consequently rode up to nearly my stomach while I slept. I pulled it down in order to hide my underwear hanging out and I thought I heard a small laugh from Dan, but ignored it.

I went back to my room and put on a simple black bikini, a dress over it and some flip flops before slathering myself in an unholy amount of sunscreen to prevent anymore burns. I grabbed a white towel and stick it in a bag along with the sunscreen and threw my hair up before heading to his room only for him not to even answer.

I sighed before walking off to find wherever the hell he was.

I finally did find him comically shoving a whole ass load of things into the back of the SUV.

"Yeah, I think you've brought enough." I said dryly making him realize I was standing there watching him.
He wore a plain black shirt and just a pair of swim trunks and a pair of flip flops.

"Probably." He looked to actually be considering if he really had or not. "You ready?" He asked.

"I'm ready." I confirmed he went around to the driver's side and I got in the passenger's seat. I watched as he started the car and plugged his phone in, he scrolled through it a moment and looked to finally settle on something.

God awful sounds began to blare through the car as he left the parking lot.

"What the hell is this?!" I shouted over the music which seemed like messy, bad rap.

"Danny Brown." He answered.

I considered just turning it off but he seemed so happy and even started enthusiastically rapping along like an idiot.

"Show me somethin' I ain't seen before
That hoe want my piccolo
Smoking on that mistletoe
Make her kiss all on it
While we chop chop on them 24s
She look like a centerfold
Mouth all on my genitals
Suckin' on it like she gettin' vitamins and minerals
I be on the chemicals, she be on my testicles
Poke her with my tentacle then put her out my schedules"

"Oh my god stop." I whined at him but he didn't seem to care and just smiled at the fact he was getting on my nerves. I thought it was actually pretty funny to be honest. I thought it was funny how he was the whitest guy ever in a pair of flip flops and was doing his best attempt at rapping, it was hard not to laugh at him.

He seemed so happy today and I was now finally glad I agreed to this. I could tell he was trying to make me laugh.

He did this all the damn way to the beach he had chosen. I was so relieved when we pulled up and he had decided to turn it down.

"Well, looks like we came on a good day, there's no one else for miles." He joked before getting out of the car.

I got out as well and he rummaged through the back before pulling out a cooler, like six towels, and pillows.

"Why do we need all this?" I asked as he handed me the pillows.

"To make it nicer." He said simply and with that I followed him down to the beach.

"Did you even pack sunscreen?" I asked as he laid out the towels in the sand.

"Shit." He muttered making me laugh.

"Don't worry, I brought it."

"Wouldn't want to end up as crispy as you were in that desert, or worse, good old Tan Howell."

"That would be horrific. You looked like a burnt piece of toast." I laughed.

"Yeah, go ahead and laugh, but remember we've both had our run ins with sun poisoning."

"Good point." I said as I tossed the unnecessary pillows on the towels.

I watched him slip off his flip flops off and slide his shirt over his head. Was this the first time I had actually seen him shirtless? He had seen me in my underwear and in a bathing suit before. I guess we just had nothing to hide from each other anymore, and maybe he had felt a little more insecure about his body than I had all this time, I didn't see a problem with it though.

I shed myself of my dress and flip flops too and got the sunscreen out of my bag.

"Come here." I told him. "I owe you the favor of rubbing stuff all over you." I said making him laugh.

"Just give me some and I'll save you the trouble of getting my legs." He told me and held out his hand which I generously squirted sunscreen into. He did his legs real quick and turned around for me to get his back.

I had to admit I felt a little nervous about it but it seemed fine once I started rubbing him down.

"Turn around. I told him and he obediently did so and I began to rub his chest down, then his arms.

I took what was left and began rubbing it on his face as he smiled a big closed mouth smile and held his hair back with his hand.

"There, all done." I said as I gave his cheeks a pat.

"Good." He said and I suddenly felt him pick me up like a baby.

"What are you doing?" I laughed but stopped once I realized we were heading towards the water.

"No!" I squealed "I don't want to get in yet!"

"Yes!" He chuckled evilly as I tried to squirm out of his hands.

His ankles were now in the water and he was walking in deeper.

"Noooooo Dan." I whined.

"Yeeeeees Amelia." He laughed "I'm going to drown you." He said in a demonic but playful voice as he scrunched up his face.

"Your face is so ugly like that." I laughed as he continued to carry me into the water.

"Now I'm going to drown you because you called me ugly, you rat." He said in a serious tone.

"No you're not." I argued.

"Yes I am." He argued back and then just dropped me into the water.

Edited by Josiemakattack198

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