Chapter 3

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"Hey man want to go out tonight and get some drinks, you know to celebrate your Win on the Jensen's case? I mean seriously I don't know how you pulled that one off I mean how the hell did you get proof that Isaac Jensen was embezzling money from the government?!" my friend Nate said.

" I would love some drinks so yes definitely on that and I always knew there was something about that guy so I put together a case. I never would have finished it or won if his wife didn't come to me and give me a DVD that the security camera recorded of him taking the money and all she wanted was one little favor and it was not hard at all to go through with it" I answered.

" oh I believe you, she's Hot, I'd fuck her to if I had the chance to"

"What?! That's so disgusting Nate. The favor was a date with my doorman I would never fuck her or anyone else with a vagina for that matter"

" whoa whoa whoa Your gay?!"

" why is everyone so surprised? Yes I am gay. Besides you should know that by now I'm only ever with you or Hensley and do you not remember when I went on a date with a guy?"

"Ohh yeah, Henry. Man that guy was weird. Anyways sorry I forgot let's go have those drinks now."

I forgot how much fun it is to go out and have some drinks with Nate. Nate and I met in law school, he made it to his last year and then dropped out saying "that's just not for me". We've been friends ever since then and he actually works in my ferm as an attorney.

"Damn it Nate! Its 1:00am and Hensley is going to kill me when I get home. I forgot it's Friday."

"Relax man, just don't wake up the baby and it will all be fine."

"Clearly you don't know her at all. I really have to go home though. Thanks a lot man, I really needed this."

"Any time Josh, I mean what are second best friends for besides buying all the shots" He laughed.

"Where the hell have you been? Seriously Josh its like 1:30 in the damn morning and you weren't home yet and I was so worried about you. I even called you like 10 times."

"Heyy, it's okay. Im sorry, i was out with Nate getting drinks, I won a very important case today and so he took me out to celebrate at the bar. I guess my phone died because I didn't get any calls or messages from anyone."

"I seriously hate Nate"

"Don't worry Hens your the only women I'll ever love, well besides my mother of course. Anyways he has nothing on you" I said hugging her tight.

"Im sorry. I just worry to much. I try not to think about what could happen, but I just can't help it sometimes."

"Shhh. I know and you have every right to only expect the worst but I promise you Hensley then I'm not leaving you any time soon. I will always be here for you and Sammy."

" I don't know how I'm ever going to repay you Josh"

" You already have Hens, you gave me a best friend when I thought I lost that title, you gave me the most beautiful godson and nephew, you've given me everything I could hope you."

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