Chapter 10

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Thank God I'm finnaly home. When I woke up a few hours ago I was so thankful for my own bed. I still have to take prescription drugs for my head just in case it does start to hurt again.

Right now I'm currently in my underwear making a nice home cooked breakfast, well I guess lunch because it's almost 1:30 in the afternoon I didn't get up until 11 so It's my breakfast. As soon as I put the last pancake on the plate full of pancakes, the door bell went off. I turned the burner off and went to see who it was.

"Do you always answer your door like this?" Zeak asked in an amused voice looking down at my black boxers.

"Umm no" I said coughing "I was just cooking my breakfast/lunch so I havnt changed yet. Come on in and I'll go get dressed." I said opening the door for him to walk through.

"Thanks" he said. I swear I saw the look of disappointment in his eyes.

When I came down the stairs after getting dressed I saw Zeak looking at the pictures Hensley put up on the white mantle above the fire place.

"Harvard huh? I always knew you would be accepted if you just applyed. I'm glad you got to go to school there. " he said without looking back at me.

"Yeah, my dad actually paid for the whole thing ans he really wanted me to go there as well so I did. " I said moving to stand beside him. "If you're hungry the pancake should still be warm if you would like to join me." I said walking away and into the kitchen.

"Yes I would love to, Thank you" he answered when I say a plate down in front of him as well as across from him for myself at the bar.

"Do you still like chocolate syrup on yours" I asked looking in the fridge for it.

"Yes I still like it" he laughed back.

After finishing our food we just sat there for a few moments looking at each other.

" I thought about your offer" he said looking down at his hands. " I'm not sure if this is a smart idea or if it's really stupid but everything I thought of led me back to you. Josh are you sure you really want to offer me this?" he said looking up at me with hooded eyes.

"Zeak, I wouldn't have done it if I was just going to take it back. Look I don't expect us to just pick things up where we left off so if I don't have you as my boyfriend and lover, i want you as my best friend again" I reassured him holding one of his hands.

"Okay" he wispered back.

" come on let's go get your things and move you in" I smiled.

After getting all his belongings in both our cars we head back to my house. My house is a 5 bedroom 4 bath house so it's plenty big enough. 4 upstirs bedrooms with 2 rooms that have connected bathrooms and one bathroom in the hall and one bedroom downstairs with the bathroom in it as well.

" this is my room" I said standing in front of my door which is the last room on the right. " Sam's room is right across from mine. Ansley sleeps in the first room on the right next to the bathroom. The room right next to Sam and catty-cornered to mine is bigger and has a bathroom in it as well. Then the bedroom that's downstairs it's a little smaller but also has a bathroom in it." Explained as I showed him each room.

"I think I will choose this one" he said pointing to the door caddy corner to mine.

After getting all his things that he brought put up and his room filled with the furniture the way he wanted it we decided to just order some pizza and have a movie night.

" what movie do want to watch first" I asked him I'll bring in the two boxes a pizza into the living room.

"Umm Wow, you have so many to freakin choose from. Let's see. What about this one!" He said holding up the movie kicking and screaming.

" I forgot I even had that"I laughed.

" remember when we went to watch it that way in theaters when it first came out?" he said all excited.

" you mean when we tried to watch it but we were kicked out because you wouldn't stop laughing? Oh yeah I definitely remember." I said laughing at him when he covered his face with his hands.

" you have to admit though it was fun right? And besides when has Will Ferrell not been funny before?" he said sitting down on the couch next to me as the movie began to play.

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