The next day

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Authors note: it's taking me forever to get this story started I know and I'm really sorry I've been busy and have writers block so it's making things difficult. I'll try to get more up sooner rather than later but no promises just hang in there guys I'm trying my best to juggle school, home life, netball, the school ball, softball aswell as writing. Sorry for any spelling errora and terrible grammer there not my strong points. Here's what I've got so far but I'm stuck on where to take it so any ideas would be greatly appreciated xxx

McGee POV: I walked into the bull pen and saw Tony sitting on Ziva's desk but when I glanced at her chair she wasn't there "Tony what are you doing" "yes Tony what are you doing sitting on my desk" I jumped at the sound of Ziva's sudden voice behind me. She's just like Gibbs in the sense she can sneak up behind people like that "oh I was just waiting for McJumper is that a new record you jumped pretty high" I walked over to my desk and sat down then Gibbs walked in an sent me down to help Abby in her lab. After last night I've been dieing to see her.

Ziva POV: I met Tony outside in the NCIS parking lot. We walked in together and when we got into the elevator he flipped the switch and backed me up against the wall his hands wondering up and down my sides resting tangled up in my hair. We kissed passionately refusing to part for air. After a few minutes we gave in and parted desperate for air, when we had straightened our selves up Tony switched the elevator back on and we stepped out. There was no one in yet it was just us. Tony went to grab my waist to pull me into a kiss but I quickly pulled away from his grasp smiling teasingly at him and walked off down to Abby's lab.

"Hey Abby!" I yelled over the sound of her music turned up as loud as it would go "ohmygosh! Hey Ziva. How was dinner? What happened? Tell me EVERYTHING" she squealed "well dinner was nice. Steak and fried rice. We watched a movie drank wine and that was about it. I drank a little to much wine so ended up havin to sleep over. I took Tonys bed and he took the couch. I went home this morning to get changed and ready for work then I came down here" there is no way I am telling her EVERYTHING just yet "wow sounds...nice I guess. Was kinda hoping for something juicy to gossip about but never mind" "haha sorry Abbs how was your night" "it was lovely McGee stayed for dinner, we just ordered in then we watched some tv and he left" "that doesn't sound lovely, your holding back aren't you...what aren't you telling me" "oh nothing" she said starring at the floor. This girl is holding back and I will find out what "alright then I should go Gibbs will be in soon see you later" "okay see ya Ziva" I went back to the bullpen and found Tony sitting on my desk. What on earth is he up to?

Sequel to A team holidayWhere stories live. Discover now