What now

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Eventually everyone filled into autopsy and huddled round one of the metal tables "what's going on Jethro" Ducky asked "yeah Gibbs what are we doing here in the dark and where is Ziva" Abby asked. At the mention of her name both Tony and Gibbs heart sank a little more but with Tonys idea in mind it lifted there spirits just a little. "I have asked you all here so we can tell you all together that..." Gibbs couldn't finish so Tony stepped up "Guys last night when I got home all of Ziva's things were gone, she returned home to Isreal. I know what your going to say but it was a hard choice for her to make and she didn't want to make it harder by saying goodbye, however she did leave us each individual videos for us to watch" the room was silent, Ducky Abby and McGee couldn't believe what they were hearing "so she's gone?" McGee asked hesitantly but with sadness in his voice "yeah probie she is" Tony said with the same emotion "but" Gibbs quickly added "we will bring her home as soon as we can" "how" Ducky asked a little confused by the excitement in Gibbs voice "we have a plan, Tony will be going back to Tel Aviv with in the next couple days" "and what will that do" Abby asked really confused "you can't just send him there what if he doesn't come back then we have lost Ziva annnnd Tony. I don't think I can handle that" "Don't worry Abbs I'm coming back and I plan on bringing Ziva back too" Tony said it with so much determination that the whole team believed him. "So what's the plan boss" "don't worry about the plan McGee just book DiNozzo a return ticket to Isreal for two and leave the rest to Tony and me" "on it boss" McGee left autopsy and headed for his computer in the bullpen "what can I do" Abby asked "go home after all it is the weekend you don't need to be here" "oh Abby the video Ziva left for you is in your lab" "no thanks Tony, your bringing her back I don't need to see the video" she walked out smiling, hopeful that Tony and Gibbs really would bring Ziva home "Duck" "yes Jethro" "go home too and there's a video over there if u want to see it" "no thank you, Abby had a point I'll see young Ziva when she returns with Tony" with that Ducky left autopsy and headed home leaving Gibbs and Tony standing there feeling a slight amount of pressure on them to bring back Ziva "hey boss" "yeah DiNozzo" "what if it doesn't work" "it'll work you both love each other it'll work she'll say yes trust me" "alright I guess I'll go home and get packed" "good idea McGee should have your tickets by now" they both walked out of autopsy and went up to the bullpen.

"Probie you got the tickets yet?" Yeah Tony I do, you leave tonight that's the earliest I could get" "sweet when is the return" "3 days" "okay that is plenty of time thanks" "not a problem, hey Tony" "yeah McGee" "what if what ever you are going to do doesn't work" "we can't think like that probie but if it doesn't I have a plan B" Gibbs looked at his senior field agent with a questioning look. They hadn't talked about a plan B "and what is that DiNozzo" "well boss if plan A doesn't work then I'll just have to Kiddnapp her and bring her back" both McGee and Gibbs looked at Tony as if to say did that really just come out of your mouth did you really just say that "what I thought it was a great idea" "well Tony if it comes to plan B please video it for us I'd love to see you try and Kiddnapp Ziva" "no faith Probie" "little faith in your plan B" "alright you two cut it out Tony you need to go and get packed and Tim you should go home and enjoy your weekend don't you have a boom to write" "yeah boss I do, I'll see you on Monday" McGee said getting up and leaving. Tony followed behind saying goodbye to Gibbs and Gibbs responding with be safe and check in with me every night and morning. So there it was Tony had his little mission to carry out, Gibbssat helplessly at his desk needing/wanting something to do, McGee was writting his book and Abby and Ducky were at home probably worrying about the whole situation.

Authors note: what do you all think would love to know. I know it isn't very long but I'm still a little sick so the energy to write isn't really there at the moment I'm really sorry. So my day is going to consist of making French toast and sitting on the couch watching NCIS all day since it raining :) have a great day everyone keep leaving me comments to read and any suggestions I take on board and try to use them in the story. Love writing this it's so much fun see you next time xx

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