It's now or never I guess...

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Tony stepped out of the black SUV and onto the doorstep of the David family home, with his heart in his hand a burning question inside and a tiny box in his pocket he knocked on the rather large front wooden door. "Tony!" Ziva screamed as she jumped in his arms, to Tony she was like a young high school girl high on love he liked it it was a side of her he'd never seen before "hey Zi" he replyd squeezing her in a long hug. The clearing of Eli's throat tore the young couple apart all to quickly for Ziva's liking "welcome Tony to the David family home" "thank you Director" "oh please u are not here on business call me Eli" "yes sir" Ziva looked up at Tony with a huge smile on her face, she hasn't seen him in what felt like forever. He had left before she walked back out to the bullpen and them she left before he returned from Tel Aviv. "Show Tony to the room he will be staying in no use just standing around, and dinner should be ready soon so get your selves cleaned up" Eli said trying to take charge. "Alright" Ziva said rather annoyed by her fathers tone.

Pulling tony into her bedroom Ziva stood on tip toes and gently grabbed his face pulling him into a long passionate kiss. He gladly kissed back not holding back using all the love and passion he had for her. The kiss lasted only a few moments but it was long enough to satisfy the burning desire inside both, they hadn't seen each other in a while and things were left messy. Pulling back Tony whispered "I love you" with a smile on his face "I love you too" Ziva whispered back, both unsure why they were whispering but it made those three little words mean a little more it was like they were saying it in secret to each other saying it so only they could here "you go down to dinner I'll wash up and meet u down there" "alright then but uhm u don't know where the dinning room is" "that's ok I'm sure I'll find it" Ziva smiled and walked out of the bedroom an headed towards the dinning room where her father was waiting.

Back in the bedroom Tony made his way to the full length mirror. He stood there straightening up his clothes, fixing his hair and repeating that all important question over an over in his head. Before long he picked up the courage to go in search of the dinning room. The house was huge with many rooms. To get to the dinning room Tony had to walk out of the oversized bedroom down the hall with the walls full of family photos, down the spiral staicase, walk left towards the first living room, through that small living room to the kitchen, through the kitchen full of state of the art kitchenware and through the double wooden doors to the dinning room where a long dinning table full of all kinds of food was layed out. Eli sat at the head of the table, Ziva sat to his left and to the right was an empty chair Tony assumed was meant for him. Of course Eli wouldn't let him and Ziva sit together, he felt like a high school boy having dinner with his high school sweethearts parents for the first time, although the atmosphere wasn't as awkward or tense it wasn't at all calm and relaxed.

After most of the food was polished off and the silence became slightly unbearable Tony reached into his jacket pocket and gripped onto the little black box thinking "it's now or never I guess" he slowly pulled out the box and made his way over to Ziva's chair. He knelt down on one knee, looked deep into her eyes and asked that all important question "Ziva David I love you with all my heart will you do me the incredible honor of becoming my wife?" Eli sat in his chair shocked but not overly surprised, Ziva sat there stunned and in tears, while tony waited for her answer. For that one word that could make or break their relationship. It felt like ages before she finally answered but when she did her answered couldn't have made Eli more happier....

Authors Note: sorry it's been ages since I updated I was really busy and only just got back from America yesterday. So what did everyone think??? Sorry it's kinda short I'll get the next part up soon won't make u all wait so long xxxx

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