Tony's little trip.....part 2

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After a long plane flight sleeping in an awkward position on the seats Tony was feeling pretty crappy but his determination to save his relationship and the woman he loved kept him going. He was in a car being driven to the Mossad HQ to see Ziva's father, Eli David. It wasnt a long car ride only 20 minutes or so, the whole car ride he was thinking if Ziva was driving we would have been there in 5 minutes flat. He missed her even though he hadnt been gone more than 24 hours. Tony pulled out his phone with the idea to phone Ziva to let her know he arrived safely. When Tony turned his phone on he saw he had two missed calls and two voicemails, one from Ziva and one from Gibbs. He had a little time till he arrived at Mossad so he checked the voice mail messages, the first was Ziva's message

"Tony you stupid idiot you deserve a huge Gibbs slap, several to be in fact, how could you just leave like this without first talking to me. I would come get you but landing in Israel would mean i would be running the risk of never coming back to America and i can not do that, not yet. SO as soon as you hear this you need to phone me i beg of you come home and dont talk to my father he doesnt like you, he wont listen. I love you and i know you so i know you wont listen, you will go to my father and cause trouble for youre self so please please please dont say anything stupid, dont get your self killed and just come home, come back to me, i love you, see you when you get back."

Tony laughed at the end of the message and started thinking about how much he missed and loved Ziva and how much he needed to make things right with her father. Then he carried on to the second voice mail, the one Gibbs left for him.

"DiNozzo when you get your ass back here i promise i will slap you so hard you will end up back in Israel. What on earth were you thinking son Ziva's a mess so bad i've given her time off work and she didnt try to say no. Do what you gotta do then get back. Stay safe and dont get yourself killed" 

Tony was slightly scared about the headslap that was waiting for him when he got home, he was worried about Ziva she never took time off work and always tryed to argue with Gibbs when he made her do something she wouldnt normally do. Was this the right time to be here or should he have come after he was sure ZIva was ok. Should he had stayed till he saw her after she was finished talking with Gibbs. It was to late to think about that now Tony was already in Israel, he couldnt change that. He needed to get to Mossad, talk to Ziva's father and get home back to Ziva. Hopefully with good news.

As the car turned into the Mossad parking lot Tony got that butterfly, nervous feeling in the pit of his stomach. What had he been thinking he was about to face the Director of Mossad the number one person who hated him, the father of his partner and try to convince him to leave his daughter be to let her be happy and let her stay with him in america, stay with the rest of the team who have become like family to her. How did this ever seem like a good idea......

Authors note: Part 2 of Tony's Little Trip..thoughts? i still have a ton of homework and now a softball game tomorrow, surf lifesaving next week and my birthday this weekend...lifes gotten pretty busy so hopefully get the next part up tomorrow night but will be late tomorrow night..thanks for reading keep voteing and please please please leave a comment or two would love it xx

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