breaking hearts

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Authors note: So sorry its taking ages for me to update and get new parts up even though ive been on school holidays ive been super busy with Softball and work, had no time for anything else really. try and get more up as soon as possible. x

Tony and Ziva had been at work for over 3 hours, there were no cases to solve and very little paper work to do. Gibbs had been up in the directors office most of the morning and McGee had taken the day off to work on his writing, it was Gibbs idea and McGee was pleased to have some free time. Tony kept looking up towards Vance's office door waiting for Gibbs to come out and tell them everything was ok and Ziva could stay. For an hour this had been going on, Gibbs never came out and Tony was starting to get worried, he looked over at Ziva who had her hands in her head and sniffling like a child "hey Zi are you ok" "i am fine Tony" she said still sniffling "no your not go take a break in the break room or go home i can cover for you" "thats not going to help the situation Tony" "i know but it would make me feel better, your crying and dont try and tell me your not. I cant stand to see my rock hard ninja crying" "I'll be fine" she gave Tony a reassuring look but he just stared at her, his eyes full of hurt and sadness "ok i will go sit in the break room for a bit as long as it is empty" "good" "let me know when Gibbs comes out of the directors office" "sure of course" Ziva stood up and Tony watched as she walked away trying to compose herself so no one could see she had been crying. 

Another hour passed when Gibbs finally came out of the directors office, he had no emotion on his face but Tony could see he was trying hard to hide his hurt feelings. "where is Ziva" "she is in the break-room she wasnt doing very well so i told her to take a break" "alright good idea DiNozzo" "hey Boss" "yeah" "what happened, whats going to happen" "im going to the break room" Gibbs said avoiding Tony's eyes and the questions that were inevitable with the answers he wasnt prepared to give Tony, they would hurt him to much, he needed to tell Ziva first. Tony watched as another person in his life, Gibbs, walked off leaving him with unanswered questions and a breaking heart. Today...this week its all been to much and hard on everyone involved. He knew the answers to his questions but refused to believe them till Gibbs confirmed them.

Gibbs was walking towards the break-room, tears in his eyes, a breaking heart and a lump in his throat. He couldnt prepare himself for what was coming he didnt want to face they eyes of the young woman he saw as his daughter, he couldn't face telling her what was coming, what was going to happen but he had to. Either he told Ziva or Vance would. Deciding it was best to come from him he walked cautiously into the break room and sat next to his red puffy eyed daughter. He put his arms around her and she rested her head onto his shoulder crying making his shirt stained with hurt tears. how could he do this to her, tell her she had to leave, that there was nothing he could do, that he had tried his best to plead with her father to let her stay. He couldnt do it but he had to.

"Ziva....." he looked into her eyes and saw a young vulnerable child, a hurt damaged and emotionally drained young woman pleading with him to tell her its all going to be ok. He couldnt though as hard as he tryed he just couldnt tell her it would all be ok that he had fixed this problem and she could stay. Ziva saw it in his eyes, saw what Gibbs wanted to say but couldnt because it wouldnt be true. She burst out in tears all the emotion of the situation all the pain she was feeling all the hurt inside of her. Gibbs sat with his arms wrapped tightly around his daughter holding on as though it was their last moments together. He began crying. Ziva and Gibbs, crying together wishing things could be different but knowing they couldnt be. 

"Ziva im so sorry i tried everything i could to keep you here, to keep you from having to leave but i couldnt i am so so sorry. Your father wouldnt listen he insisted you go back to israel. The director and i did all we could to plead with him but he wouldnt give in his mind was made up" Ziva looked up at Gibbs fresh tears in her eyes, in the back of her mind she knew this was going to happen but she was positive Gibbs could do something, work his magic to keep her here. She didnt blame him for any of this she blamed her father and herself. Why she blamed herself she didnt know but it had always been easier to blame herself for the terrible things in her life instead of blaming the ones who caused her pain. Her mind drifted to Tony and she knew she had to face him but how could she. her life was falling apart, she had to leave the family she grew so very close to, the job she loved, the people that truely care about her, the ones she can count on and most importantly the man she loved with all her heart, her soul mate. She couldnt face him, not yet but she had to he had to know even if he had already figured it out by now. He deserved so much from her and all she would be able to give him is a goodbye.

Authors note: so what does everyone think, please comment i would really appreciate it. more up very soon..i hope 

Sequel to A team holidayWhere stories live. Discover now