we have a visitor

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Tony had just boared a plane to Tel Aviv headed to find the woman he loved. Not sure what to expect Tony pepared him self to be stopped at the airport at the end of the flight by Mossad and asked to leave. surely they would know he would be arriving soon they have a way of checking up on people they dont particularly like. With that little box burning a whole in his pocket and the most important question of his life spinning round and round in his head, tony slowly fell asleep in the uncomfortable plane seats he had recently began to become a custom to. 

*mean while in Tel Aviv*

"Ziva i am in the study" Ziva had just pulled up to the family home and was slowly walking through the massive wooden doors, she made her way to her fathers study and stood in the door way "please Ziva come sit with me" hesitantly she made her way to the velvet cushioned chair next to her father "we can talk about what every you want, the past, the present, the future. we can even have a full on argument if you wish" "an argument will probably happen regardless of the topic" "well then lets try and avoid that shall we" "i guess" "so you say that Special Agent Gibbs and the team are your family" "yes they are family to me" "right, how are things with Anthony DiNozzo?" "they were wonderful until you ripped me away from him, we were. no. are in love. He's me life, understands me, knows me better than anybody else does" Ziva had a distance look in her eyes as if she was recalling all her memories of her and Tony in her mind. "i am sorry, i knew this would happen if i sent you to America, knew you would fall for some American boy. i am sorry Ziva" "i am not sorry, if you had not sent me i would have made do with some uselss mossad officer who only thinks of himself and no one else. At least wth Tony i am happy and he puts me first and cares for me" "well then..." Eli was interrupted by an abrupt knocking on the study door "director""shalom Kaniel, what is wrong" "uhm well director there is someone at the airport" "oh well who?" "Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo" the look on Eli's face could kill a hundred people over, he was not happy. While the look on Ziva's face was one of love and surprise. She had a feeling he would come but didnt think it would be so soon "Director, what should we do?" Kaniel asked "well bring him here to the house, we cant ask him to stay in another hotel" "yes director" Kaniel turned around and left headed for the airport. "Well Ziva we have a visitor" "yes abba we do" Ziva had a smile on her face, the kind of smile only Tony could put there.

*at the airport*

Tony made it through customs and security without any problems but when he got outside and began walking to a taxi stand he was stopped by two tall, dark haired men wearing dark glasses and black suites. "of course" Tony thought to himself. "did i really think it would be this carefree" "well what do i owe the pleasure" "Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo, you need to come with us the Director is waiting for you at his home" "wow so not the office, cool cause that place doesnt have the best memories, ya know since last time went so well" Tony had turned on his DiNozzo charm and was being a smart ass to the two men. "so you know my name, what are yours?" the tallest man with dark brown hair was the first to respond "i am Kaniel, the directors senior agent" "and i am Raanan" the short of the two with light brown hair said "cool, so how far away is the directors house" "not far" Tony and the two men had made their way to a large black SUV, they all got in Tony and Raanan in the back, Kaniel in the drivers seat.

*at the house*

Ziva was excited to see Tony, she hadnt seen him since the day he first left. To her it felt like a life time and soon she would see the love of her life again. She was slightly worried something may go wrong and she would lose him again but she didnt want to dwell on the negative and instead forcused her mind on the positives.

Authors note: sorry its so short i'll make the next part longer i promise, thanks for reading and voting and commenting xx

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