Ziva and Eli

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Authors note: so i was just chillin on my couch when i realized that part of this sequel hasn't really connected with the first one so im going to try and make them connect now, This part is all about Ziva and her father and fixing their relationship..sorta.

Ziva hadn't been back in Tel Aviv long when she was asked to see the director of Mossad in his office, her father, Eli David. Their father daughter relationship was one of hurt and broken emotions and after recent events they werent going to hug and work it all out so quickly. Ziva hated being here, hated not being within driving distance to the people she called her family. She walked down the long dark hall to her fathers office at the mossad headquarters. As she approached his dark brown wooden door she felt all the emotions she had been holding back for so long begin to surface, threatening to explode out of her. There was anger, sadness and  betrayal, she wasnt sure if she could keep them under control or not and she wasnt about to try very hard. She boldly knocked on the door and stepped in "Director" "Ziva, my dear how are you" "fine director" "thank you for coming there are many things we need to talk about" "like" "like why you are here" "well why" Ziva wasnt interested in making conversation any more than she needed to to get the answers she needed to know. "well i need you here our ties with NCIS are strong enough now that you no longer need to be in America any longer" "those so called strong ties are weakening now i am gone"she said mumbled under her breath "and what do you mean by that" she was standing in front of her fathers desk at attention starring straight out the window not making any eye contact, her voice was strong and straight to the point "i mean now i am gone NCIS will want little to do with mossad, yes they will call here and carry on business as usual but the bonds that tie mossad and NCIS together are not as strong anymore, you have removed a valuable part of a highly important, strong, successful team and many wont be forgetting that any time soon and i can count five people who will surely not forgive you, director" "Ziva please drop this act" "what act director are you referring to" "this one right now, this one where you are standing here not even looking at me, refusing to have a proper civil conversation, this one where you are acting ridiculous" Eli was getting frustrated and Ziva could see that but she felt the anger she was trying to hold back begin to erupt out of her and now there was no holding back "Act! an ACT!" she began to yell "this so called act is nothing, how could you think that i would return here after being forced, walk into this office and have a civil conversation with you, you ripped me away from my family and friends, from the people who truely care and love me. How do you do that to some one. And to think i was actually going to try and talk to you, to reconnect and fix what is broken between us, attempt to bury the past and what happened. I wish everyday that we were different, that we had a real father daughter relationship but we dont and i cant help that because of you, because you refuse to let me be happy and live my life. Yes we were happy once, and then we lost the little precious life that kept us strong and now here we are. you forcing me back into a life i dont want and me yelling at the director of mossad, not my father!" Eli had stood up but was now slowly sitting down in his chair, he turned to his computer and began typing ignoring the tense feelings in the room "see! this is why i dont try with you, you ignore everything i try to say, you refuse to talk about anything but work. we get no where" "i am not to blame here Ziva you blocked me out you pushed me away when we needed each other the most, that is not my fault" "not your fault? are you being serious, you are the one who taught me to show no emotion, to not bother others with your problems, how is that not your fault, they were your teachings that pushed you away from me' the room went silent as Eli thought about that "Ziva we cant change the past we need to move forward the past is the past and it should stay there" " yeah well you try living with my past and keeping it in the past when that is all you think about when you're alone, you try keeping it hidden from everyone especially on the days it hurts the most, you have no idea what i went through, having my only daughter ripped brutally away from me, there was nothing i could do to save her and you expect me to just leave it all in the past and move on...." once again Eli turned back to his computer so Ziva stormed out of the room making extra sure to slam the door behind her.

As she walked back down the long dark hallway she began to think of everything she had lost, all the ones in her life that were miles away, the hugs and kisses she really needed right now, what was she doing here, she had to get away but where would she go. Without really thinking of where she got in her car and drove, just drove ending up at a cemetery, one that was small and far off any beaten track, so far that no one really knew about it. She stopped her car and sat there for a long 10-20 minutes she wasnt sure whether she was going to get out or not but eventually she did. Walking up to the only headstone under an olive tree that stood tall and proud. Ziva knelt down tears falling from her face and on to the small headstone. The name in bold italic print read "MILA DAVID" underneath the name said "beloved daughter of Ziva David may she forever rest in peace" Ziva sat on the ground with her head in her knees sobbing her heart out wishing for things to be different "Mila my dear daughter i am so so so very sorry i couldnt save you. you deserved a better mother than i ever was. I should have been there, protected you, kept you safe but i failed and i am sorry" she placed the flowers she had brought from the florist on Mila's grave. They were bright yellow daisy's and red roses. As she stood up she felt a hand rest on her shoulder "i come here everyday, beg for Mila to forgive me for ruining her mothers life, for not being there when you needed me, for not protecting the both of you. I will never stop apologizing for i will not know whether she has forgiven me but i know she loved you, us and we both loved her a hell of a lot more than anyone could imagine. Ziva i am sorry for before in my office and for everything i have done" "i am sorry too abba for the way i spoke to you but the things i said i had been holding in for a long time and they needed to come out" Ziva's accent had become very heavy, it got like that when she was upset and confused and felt alone "Ziva lets go home and sit down and talk, just talk, not about work i promise" "that would be good" Eli began walking back to his car when he heard Ziva "Abba how did you know i was here" "well were else would you be, you needed to come here, to see her" Ziva turned back to her daughters grave with a small smile "i love you my dear daughter, i will see you later" Ziva walked back to her car and headed back to the place she once called home, Eli had already left in his own car. She was surprised to see him at the cemetery but  glad he had come. Maybe tonight would bring change for Ziva and her father, she hoped so but knew it was a long shot....

Sequel to A team holidayWhere stories live. Discover now