An embrace

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Ziva didn't have to wait long, Tony was there in a flash worried and going crazy. His head was spinning he almost missed the driveway. As Ziva stood up she took a deep breath and walked towards her fiancé not sure of what to say or how to beginning. There was so many words she was dieing to say and so many things she was battling to keep inside. What if it all came out wrong, what if what she wanted to say came out as a jumbled mess and made absolutely no sense in any way!

Tony stood waiting by the car not sure of what to do; go towards her and embrace her in an incredibly tight and loving hug or stand there and wait for her to come to him in her own time and at her own pace.

The walk to Tong felt like a life time but it was long enough to give Ziva just enough time to decide on her next move. "Tony there's something I have playing on my mind but I am not ready to talk about them just yet. I will open up and talk about it all just not right now not all at once and certainly not here" the whole time she was looking at Tony eyes meeting and holding each other in a long and deep wordless conversation. Her lips were saying one thing while her eyes were screaming another. Tony wrapped his arms around her never wanting to let go wanting her to know and feel all the love he has for her. He wanted her to understand how safe and secure she could feel and how he would never hurt her or pressure her into any thing. Ziva stood there, here own arms wrapped around his waist, fingers intertwining so there hug would be unbreakable. A perfect moment. Silence understanding love and hope all wrapped up in the embrace of a couple in love.

Authors Note: I know I'm sorry it's been ages I've been busy with life, school, family, trying to get into the navy, exams, my new relationship, everything just everything it's crazy !!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2014 ⏰

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