Tony's little trip.........part 1

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Tony was sitting on the plane headed to Israel, he was sitting by himself, a couple with a baby were seated in front and an elderly couple were seated across from him. There was nothing fancy about the plane or the seats they were simple and reasonably comfortable with small tv's in the back of each seat for passengers to watch movies, listen to music or play games on. There were only your typical airline magazines in the back of the seats. Tony hadnt worried with business or first class he just wanted the first available seat to Israel and thats what he got. He reseted his head back on his seat and began thinking back to the recent events of today especially when Gibbs came into the bullpen after talking with Ziva. He looked worn out and tired, emotionally drained and heartbroken. Tony knew it wasnt a good sign and before Gibbs could say anything he had picked up his gear and was headed for the elevator. "DiNozzo where are you going" "theres a note in my top desk drawer can you put it on Ziva's desk" "ok" "I'll be back in a few days" he left Gibbs wondering what was going on. Tony didnt have time to stop and think things through let alone explain his sudden enthusiasm and reasons for leaving for Israel. He needed to try and fix things and persuade Ziva's father to leave her be in America, with Tony, with her family. He had a feeling Gibbs only really had bad news for the couple so he had pre-written a letter for Ziva while he was waiting for Gibbs to come back. "excuse me sir is everything ok here" an air-hostess asked pulling Tony out of his thoughts. "oh yes everything is ok" "alright if you need anything just push that button and someone will come" she said pointing to the help button on his arm rest. She was pretty, long black hair and tan skin. Perfectly ironed uniform, hair pulled back in a ponytail. Her nails were a dark red and she had little make up on. She walked on to the next passenger and asked the same question, said the same thing. Tony drifted back into his thoughts this time thinking about the night him and Ziva spent in the hotel while the team was on holiday. It was a lovely night, dinner and movie on the bed. Cuddling up next to each other not saying much. He recalled the smell of her Jasmine scented body wash and vanilla shampoo and conditioner. she smelt amazing and she was so warm cuddled up next to him he couldnt think of a better way to spend the night. Then his thoughts drifted to the night he cooked for her at his apartment. Surprising both himself and Ziva with his semi impressive cooking skills. She looked flawless in a casual tight black singlet and black skinny jeans that showed off her fit delicate figure a lose white and brown cardigan and velvet black heels. She was stunning so beautiful. Tony knew he had to change her fathers mind or he may never get to see Ziva's gorgeous face, her incredible body, her warm smile, her dangerous mysterious nature ever again. He feel asleep going over and over in his head exactly what he wanted to say to Eli when he got to Mossad HQ.....

Authors note: Sorry its super short but i have a ton of homework to do, 3 essays and a philosophy report to write and their all due at the end of the week so i thought i would get this part up early and see how i go with getting a part up tomorrow. Im splitting this into 3 or 4 parts so we get an idea of what happened with Tony while he was away. Thanks for reading and voting I'd love to know what everyone thinks so please leave a comment it would be awesome. Thanks again for reading xx

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