Home at last part 2

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looking through her belongings she had bought back with her from Israel Ziva started to feel a sense of loneliness. What was she doing here? Why had things started to feel wrong all of a sudden? She had no friends she had grown up with, they were all gone or back in israel. She wouldnt really have family at her wedding. The biggest and most important day in a girls life, the day she had dreamt about for as long as she could remember. Why did it all feel wrong? as if it is all a mistake?  All her thoughts were begining to scare her so she picked up her running shoes and gym clothes and got changed. Running generaly gave Ziva a chance to clear her head, get all her thoughts in check so she decided to give it a go. After leaving a note on the kitchen table for Tony when he had finished in the shower she headed out into the cold night air. Planning to run as long and as far as she could possibly push herself.

Meanwhile just after Ziva had left Tony walked into the kitchen and saw the note on the table "Needed some air so gone for a run, be back soon~ Ziva" After inspecting the note Tony headed over to the large window that opened up the living room to the outside world, well the streets and appartment blocks, shops and resturants, he smiled as he saw Ziva run into the night hoping she would stay out of danger and be back real soon.

Ziva had been running for an hour at a pace quicker than usual, she came to a stop outside of a very familiar home, on a familiar street that was hardly anywhere near Tony's appartment. As she carefully walked up to the front door she realised her thoughts were still running a muck in her head and she was begining to worry. I guess i was meant to end up here she thought as she opened the always unlocked door and made her way to the one room she knew Gibbs would be in. 

"Ziva" "Hello Gibbs...I was just out running and ended up here so thought i would stop in and say hi" "fair enough" Gibbs said smiling "here have a seat, tell me whats bugging you" "how did you know?" Ziva asked a little shocked but not surprised "well you're here and your staying at Tony's appartment which is no where near my street so you've been running for a while, so..whats wrong" "its nothing" she said standing up and begining to walk around the room "well actually...its a lot...its everything...but nothing....it makes no sense....but makes complete sense....its silly....but reasonable...i dont know what i am doing....i dont know if i have made the right decisions...i always make the wrong desicion where my heart is concerend...i fall in love get hurt then promise myself it wont happen again...then i find an absolutley lovely guy and i fall in love..he turned out to be someone i didnt really know and ended up dead...then i fall for Tony...ive always had feelings for him and im in love but i dont know really...i know about Tony but i dont know about everything else" As she rambled on Gibbs sat there in silence taking in and processing everything she was saying. He noticed she was hurt, lost and in pain but happy and excited and undoubtably in love. She was above all very confused, all these feelings, for probably the first time in a long time were surfacing inside of Ziva and she had no idea what to do. "I guess" Gibbs began "you could take a breath and sit back down" he smiled but noticed even though she sat down she was in another world so he stood up and went back to work on his boat giving Ziva time to gather her thoughts and come back to earth. 

Tony was keeping a close eye on the time noticing it had been an hour since Ziva left, he knew she was probably fine but still worried anyway so he picked up his phone and tried to phone her knowing it was probably pointless since she was running. As he expected his call went to voice mail so he hung up and waited a little while before phoning agin. 

Ziva's phone was ringing in her pocket but she ignored it she was still not quite together with her thoughts. Gibbs looked over at her then went back to work. "Gibbs" "yeah Ziva?" "so what do i do" "you take your thoughts and you go back to Tony and talk things out with him, your nervous your making a big change in your life its no longer going to be you fighting for you. Its going to be you fighting for you and him, him fighting for himself and you. you're not used to that realization yet and you've never had someone else there for you like Tony will be. You're just scared slightly and very nervous. But dont worry to much it will all be alright and you'll be the happiest you've ever been. I promise" "Thank you" Ziva hadnt been able to put all her thoughts together on her own so she was glad she had ended up at Gibbs house. "would you like me to drive you home?" "no that is alright i will phone Tony, he's bound to be worried"

"Tony" "Ziva, where are you? are you ok?" "i am fine dont worry i am at gibbs house could you come get me" "sure of course i'll be right there" "thanks love you" "love you too sweetcheeks" smiling she put her phone back in her poocket and said goodbye to Gibbs before making her way outside to wait for Tony. 

As she sat outside on the front steps of Gibbs house she felt as though a weight had been lifted off of her shoulders, her thoughts had settled down, her heart wasnt racing as much and she was completly at peace again. These new changes were happening so fast so sudden she just needed a break, a breather and a moment alone. 

Authors note: Ive tried to make it as long as possible hope its ok sorry for the wait, oh and go follow my instagram account "laurapaigeadelaide", not a lot of NCIS yet but its a new account and it will give you all a bit of a look into who i am. Thanks for reading guys do comment your thoughts xxxx

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