The Date Part 2

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My Bestfriend's Sister Season 1 Episode 9 'The Date Part 2'

Rydel's POV:"So where are you taking me"I ask while Nick while I flick though my twitter timeline. "It's a surprise babe"Nick says taking a glance a me. "But I don't like surprises."I say looking at him with a pouty face. "Babe, it's our 3 week annieversay. I want it to be a surprise."Nick says turning the steering wheel. "Ok, but I might be too happy with you when we get there" I say looking back onto my IPhone's illuminated screen. "Trust me you won't"Nick says pulling into a parking lot. "It's a surprised Nick says taking the key out of the ignition then getting out of the car.

Once Nick opens the door for me IPhone into my purse then take his hand and step out of the car. "What are you doing?"I ask Nick once he puts his hands over my eyes. "Do you trust me Rydel"Nick asks stopping in his place. "Yes."I say truthfully. "Ok then."And with that he leads me into the resturant. Once her removes his hands from my eyes I blink and with wide eyes I see a empty room. It had dim lights and in the middle of the room is a ,white clothed, round dinner table. With a candle lite dinner and rose peddles surrounding it.

"Wow...."was all I could say. The whole setting lead me speechless. "Are you happy now"Nick says with a smirk on his face. I smile then give him a big hug. "Thanks babe"I say giving him a kiss. After we pull out off the kiss we intertwine our fingers and walk over to the dinner table, and sit down. "How did you get this place empty"I ask Nick while looking around. "I know the people who own this resturant. After a few negotiations we finally came up with a deal. So here we are."He says with a smile filled with Proud. "We'll i'm happy to be here with you, this is really sweet."I say as the waitor comes up. "What can I get you two love birds"The waitor ask polietly. "I'll have the medium rare steak. What about you Rydel."Nick asks looking across the table at me. "Um... I'll have the chicken ceasar salad."

"And for drinks"That waitor asks after he finish jotting down our meals. "Yes, we'll both take water's?"Nick ask looking at me and I nod. "So since I know you're leaving for tour in three days and I won't be here once you leave, I thought to give you a gift to remember me by."Nick says reaching from under the table. He picks up a pink laced bag and hands it to me. "But I didn't get you anything."I tell Nick but he still gives me the bag. "It's ok Rydel, just take it."He says as I open the bag. Inside it was this . A key necklace with a peach colored Rose on the top of it. And on the side is a pair of earrings. The same color as the Necklaces Rose with white.

"Thanks Nick, I love it"I exclaim as I go over to kiss Nick. And he didn't hesitate to kiss back. After our food comes we eat. And once we finish eating I notice a Ballroom on the other half of the room. "How long has that been here"I ask Nick pointing over to the Ballroom. "Forever."He says standing up. "May I have this dance?"He politely asks holding out his hand. "Abosolutly"I says giving him my and as I stand up. Once we walk onto the shiny Ballroom floor, music started playing. The song was 'The Only Exception' by Paramore. As we glided on the dance floor we lost track of time. It was 10:45 and I was supposed to be home. God Riker must be mad. But I don't care right now because i'm having the time of my life. After we finish dancing. Nick takes me home.

End Of POV


My Best friend's Sister // RydellingtonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang