Everytime You Lie Part 2

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Rydel's POV:"Rydel..."Ellington said, once he looked over and saw I was in the room. I would have responded, I would have left. But it felt as though, my feet we're stuck to the ground. I couldn't take my eyes off of the TV screen. Nick. My Nick. Cheated on me? This is unbelieveable. And the thing about it that bothered her the most about it all wasn't the fact that he cheated. It was the fact that he lied, staright to her. He told her that he was staying in tonight. But that wasn't the only lie she realized he told her. The other lie was that the girl that she seen in photo's was just his manager. This was just too much for me to take in. I was feeling too many mixed emotions.

Rocky:Rydel, you ok?

Rydel:*Turns to him*Um...yeah. Excuse me.*Leaves out of room*

Riker:I'll go talk to her.

Ratliff:Don't...I think she needs some time to think.

Riker:*Nods*I guess you're right.*Sits down*

------With Rydel;In Her Bunk------

I don't know what to do at this point. So I have a plan, i'll call him. If he tells the truth, I guess I can forgive him. But if he doesn't then...I may have to think about our relationship. I called Nick's phone, and heard the familiar ringing tone.


Rydel:Babe, hey.

Nick:Oh, hey Rydel.

Rydel:So, what did you do today?

Nick:Nothing. Just recording in the studio, then I came home...

Rydel:So you didn't go out tonight?

Nick:No, I stayed in. Ya know, with the bro's.

Rydel:Mhm....ok. I'll talk to you later*Hangs Up*

Looks like I got my answer...It may not be the one that I wanted it to be....But atleast I know that he lost my trust. And i've officially put my guard back up...I felt like crying myself to sleep, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. He's not worth my tears....And what he did to me, didn't really hurt....Because I knew it was bound to ahppen some day...

{The Next Morning}

I woke up this morning with a smile on my face. I don't know why. I guess I'm relieved that there are no more lies. I don't know. Anyway, I sit up in my bunk, and grab my phone before going onto my twitter app. Once I do, i'm flooded with tweets from fans. I guess they saw TMZ, because almost all of them consisted of 'You don't need him Rydel, when you have the #R5Family' or 'I hope you're ok, Rydel', 'Nick's a ass', 'Just remeber we love you', and others from boy fans saying 'I'd be happy to take Nick's place ;)'. Those tweets actually made me even more happy.

--------Later That Day--------

It was finally time for the concert. The color's for today we're black. Once we we're all dressed, in this http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/247/3/2/r5___ross_was_staring_at_my_camera___by_emo__punk-d5dltwn.jpg , we went into the building, where the concert was being held. After we did soundcheck, followed by Q&A and Meet & Greet, we finally performed. It was amazing. I love how I get this type of adrenoline rush while perfoming. I was currently perfeoming 'Call Me Maybe', my last performance for the night. The concert was almost over, we only had 2 more songs to perform after this.

Rydel:So call me maybe..

Crowd:*Cheers*Encore, Encore, Encore!

Rydel:*Looks at Riker*

Rocky:*It seems like the crowd wants another performance.

Riker:You can't let our beautiful fans down.

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