The Test Part 1

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My Bestfriend's Sister Season 1 Episode 10 'The Test Part 1 Of 3'

Riker's POV:I was waiting up for Rydel. I just don't trust this guy. And the fact that he's a celebrity worries me more. It's 11:00 at night right now and Rydel was supposed to be here an hour ago. I was angry and worried at the same time. Next thing you know I hear a jiggle on the door nob. I stand up from the couch and fix my stare on the person that walks in. It was Rydel. "Where we're you Rydel, you was supposed to be here a hour ago."
"Sorry, we lost track of time and-"Rydel says but I cut her off.
"Just don't let it happen again."I said walking up to my room. I was going to let it pass this once. But if it ever happened again Nick and I we're going to have a problem.
End Of POV

~The Next Morning~

Rydel's POV:I woke up and got dressed into this . I look at the clock and see that it's 10 in the morning. 'That's werid I never wake up this late'I thought as I walked down stairs. Once I got down there I saw Ryland, Riker, Ross, and Rocky in the living room while Ratliff was in the kitchen texting. "Hey guys."I say as I walk into the kitchen.
"What's up?"Ratliff asks as I search though the refrigerator.
"Oh, nothing. Who ya texting?"I ask Ratliff as I take a cup of yogurt out.
"Oh, no one."He says hiding the screen from me. He's been very secretive lately.
"Come on Ratliff, tell me."
"Why should I?"He asks peering over to me while I took the top off of the yogurt.
"Because i'm your very bestfriend. Plus you still didn't tell me about what's suppose to happen on tour, so you HAVE to tell me."
"Ok....I was just texting Kendall."He admits.
"It was about the girl again wasn't it?"I ask sitting next to him after grabbing a spoon.
"Tell me about her."I say eating some of my Boston Creme flavored yogurt.
"Well...She's ridculously beautiful, she has an amazing personality. But the thing is she has a boyfriend."He says a little hesitent in the begining. "And I think that I might even love her, I mean I knew her for years and at first it was a tiny crush, but now its more."He says looking up from his phone toward me.
"Just tell her Rat, I think after all this she may feel the same way."I encourage him as I finish my yogurt.
"Thanks Delly"He says smiling.
I smile back before talking again. "Well I have to go Jennette is supposed to come over and she has some very imporant news."I say standing up.
"Ok, that's again for the pep talk Delly."Ratliff says standing up also. We hug then part our seprate ways. Ratliff goes into the Ling Room with the guys and I goto my room to find Jennette waiting for me.
End Of POV


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