Where's Rydel? Part 2

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Rydel's POV:I woke up, with my head pounding. I look around at my surroundings. They weren't familiar at all, but I could tell what kind of place I was at.

It was a park.

I sit up from the bench I was laying on. I guess I must've fell asleep. My back was hurting from the uncomfortable surface that I previously was using and it was kind of chilly outside today. I was just wearing my dress from last night's concert, and a cardigan I put on before I decided to take my walk.

I'm not sure where I am. I stand up, and straighten my dress. I left my phone on the tour bus, since my 'little walk' was just supposed to be around the block. The sky was nice and blue, with the sun out, which told me it was the morning time.

As I walk to the exit of the park, I look up at the street sign. It read 'Challenger Rd'. I'm guessing that it was somewhat close to the Hotel we were staying at.

"Excuse me?"A girl said, walking up to me. "Are you okay?"She asked.

"Um... yeah."I replied, nodding.

"Are you sure, it looks like you had a rough night."She looks at me, unsure if what I told her was true.

"I did... but I don't to trouble a stranger, with my life problems."

"It's fine, really. I understand if you don't want to tell me. But here."She says, handing me something.

It was a tiny pocket mirror, with a wipe.

"You may want to fix your smudged makeup."She offers, with a friendly smile.

"Thank you."I tell her.

I wipe my face off the best I can, removing all makeup as best as possible before handing her the mirror backs.

"Oh, and here."She hands me a small piece of paper. "My name is Mandy."

I take the piece of paper she was holding out in front of me. "I'm Rydel."

"Um Mandy. Do you know your way to the Hilton Garden Inn? It's a hotel. Or atleast have a phone I can use?"

"I don't know or have either of those, but there is a Coffee Shop not too far from here that I work at. My phone's there since I left it there before my lunch break."She informs.

"Can you take me there, so I could use it?"I ask.

"Sure, come on."She tells me.

"Lead the way."

I follow her towards the Coffee Shop and we get to know eachother on our way there.

I need to get back to the Hotel so I can see my family and Ratliff. They must be worried sick about me, especially Ell since I left right in front of him. With the condition I was in, and the look on his face. Gosh.

I bet they're wondering where I am. Well so am I.

Where am I?


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