Chapter 24

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Legolas walked into Lilisa's room without knocking. When he was inside her saw Lilisa packing her things. He didn't know what was going on, or what happened between his father and Lilisa. But he was determined to find out what happened tonight.

"Lilisa what is going on? What happened tonight?" asked Legolas.

"I'm packing my things, so I can leave tomorrow." responded Lilisa.

"But why?"

Lilisa stopped packing her things. She had some tears fall down her cheeks, so she wiped them away before she turned around to face Legolas. She thought about what to tell him, then started to speak.

"Your father proposed and I turned him down. I know that I love him, but I also know that he doesn't love me. He lost his heart a long time ago when your mother died. And when she died she took his love away with her. At first, I didn't know if Thranduil really loved me, but now I know who he really loves. He loves your mother, Legolas. That is who he will always love and I know that now. Which means I can't stick around for something to happen when it won't. I want someone to love me and I want a family someday. But I can't do that if I stay or marry your father." explained Lilisa.

Lilisa was waiting for her friend, Legolas, to say something. She didn't know what his thoughts were on this situation.

"Okay." replied Legolas.

Lilisa waited for him to continue. Legolas took a couple of steps forward. Then he gave Lilisa a hug. Legolas pulled away from Lilisa when they were done hugging. He looked at her and found the words to say before he spoke.

"I appreciate you for being honest not only to me, but to my father." thanked Legolas.

Lilisa smiled at Legolas. She felt relieved after Legolas had said that.

"I'll leave you so you can get some rest for your journey tomorrow." said Legolas.

He exited her room, closing the door behind him. Lilisa was so happy that that was over with. Now she could get some rest for tomorrow.

Sorry for the short short chapter.

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