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Years had passed and things went well for Lilisa. When she left Mirkwood she tended to her kingdom and duties of a queen. She was know to be one of the great rulers that Lothlorien could have. She ended up becoming very wise and her kindness could never of grown more than it already had. Lilisa eventually ended up meeting an elf soldier from Rivendell, who she fell in love with. The two eventually ended up marrying each other and had two twin boy elves. Lilisa was happy that she had found someone who loved her and that she started a family of her own. She kept in close contact with Legolas and Tauriel too.

Lilisa and Thranduil met up a couple of times later, after she left Mirkwood. However, it didn't last long. Thranduil passed the responsibilities of Mirkwood down to Legolas, who became a great king of Mirkwood. After Thranduil did that, he spent only a couple more years on Middle Earth before he passed over into the undying lands.

Many rumors or stories were told of Thranduil and his wife. They were all about how the two hearts met up again. And how they never separated from that day forth. Lilisa got comfort from those stories. She liked to think that that really did happen to Thranduil because she knew how much he loved his wife.

Lilisa could not have asked for a better ending for her life story. Her friend got to go with his wife and she got a family that she always wanted.

The End

Sorry for the short chapter. I hope you enjoyed it.

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