I'll be okay

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I once was in love,
and as pure as a dove.
Then he stabbed the knife,
that killed the dream of being his wife.

He was my world,
but I was a mockingbird.
He had to see the death of me
because it's the only way he'll be free.

I hope all his problems will leave
and his stress be named Steve.
Even though I'm hurt
doesn't mean I want the friendship burnt.

He was my first earthy love
but one day I'll be with my eternal love.
God will always be here
Even when I'm unaware.

He (God) is the reason I'm even here and there,
even when death won't stop it's glare.
He will Love me forever
and leave me never.

He's the only one who won't give up.
Even when I'm stuck in a deep rut.
The Lord and Savior is mine,
and He won't leave or be benign.

He will stay.
No one will have to pay.
He won't leave through the door
'cause He will love me forevermore.

Wrote: 4-18-2016 and 4-19-2016 jr year 16 years old
Published: 4-23-2016 jr year 16 years old

This was about a guy named Elijah and my new found love of God

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