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Sometimes I just feel so alone,

I'd rather just go cry at home;

It feels like I'm under a dome,

The dome with no true feeling of home.

I'm forced to sit with people I hate at school,If I don't I'm "breaking a rule"

Sometime the teacher's call me a real tool,

because I don't always abide directly by the rule.

Most people think of me as trash,

Like I'm the free food at a dine 'n dash,

Once I think someone likes me they're gone in a flash.

I won't be surprised if I get a big bloody gash.

People seem to hate me for no reason,

It's like I'm the government and I called treason,

I'm the snot that they'll be sneezin'

I'm all alone because of my "rainy season".

Why oh why?

Do people leave me out to dry,

don't care if I cry,

Why do I even bother to try?

Every morning and night are hard,

I feel as thin as a card,

If I don't answer a question people think I'm a retard,

I'm the outcast of everyone 'cause I'm always barred.

Sometimes I just feel so alone,

and no one will ever know,

Not even the people at this very lifeless home.I'm trying to escape this dome.

Wish me luck?

There's a lot of people who just don't give a f*ck,

They'll run over you're heart with their pick-up truck,

It's even worse when they're the one's that are stuck.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Wrote and published on 8-26-2014

Sophomore year

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