The reasons why...

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You must've thought I was play-doh,

Because you thought I was mold-able,

But I will never be your echo.

Even if you were that desirable.

I think I miss you,

But then I remember how you treated me,

I can't believe I wanted to kiss you.

I treated you like I wanted you to treat me.

I feel lonely sometimes.

You slashed my heart,

But the pain isn't worth your crimes.

I knew I should've took the time to dart.

I can't believe I fell for you.

Why did you leave my side?

If I only knew.

the rules of my heart you wouldn't abide.

I can't believe what I'm about to say,

I wrote several songs, poems about you,

But you could make or break my day.

And all you could do is treat me like poo?!?!?

All of those terrible memories that were sweet too,

All your false hopes and continuing lies,

I told you my troubles and kept them private (as far as I knew)

If only you knew you made all those parts die.

And those are the reasons I now HATE you.


wrote: July 14th 2014 around 12-1 am

Published: July 15th 2014 around 10 am

Summer of Freshman to Sophomore year

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