Rocks and Stones

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Here I sit.
All alone
in a room full of rocks;
Yet I'm the only stone.

Rocks aren't always quiet,
but stones like me are silent.
Not even the teacher rock controls
sometimes a stones' thoughts are violent.

The words of other rocks...
Well, they are sometimes rude.
Rocks have brains,
but they really need to used then dude.

Rocks may be athletes
and stones may be "lazy".
All of us roll
but the stones don't get hazy.

Everyday is a new day
but history repeats itself.
Some of us prefer low places,
some prefer to be high on a shelf.

But even in a room full of rocks
there's always at least one stone.
Who's always thinking,
but feels alone.

wrote: Jan 7th 2016
published: 4-23-2016 Jr year 16 years old.

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