The breakdown

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Last night I had a breakdown,
I kept thinking of all the past trauma.
My mind was racing so fast it couldn't stop for even one town.
I hate all that old drama!

I hate thinking about my father's abuse,
and how every-time I get good grades
I feel like I'm being used.
Then my family never gets why I go on mini-raids.

I'm scared to talk about the way I'm treated,'cause I'm afraid the listener will judge instead of understand.
My emotions are always being cheated.
Then I'll be without a friend to help me stand.

I reached out to some of my closest friends,
until finally 3 international people answered,
and didn't make last night the end.
The were the oncologists if I had cancer.

They helped me through the night,
even though they didn't have to.
My family would've had quite a fright,
if they found out what I thought I wanted to do.

One of the angels lived in Mexico,
One in Canada and the other is from a place I don't know.
I'm just glad they were there for me when the only snow,
was in my heart that didn't want to glow.

I'm so happy to have those 3 girls as friends,They've had rough lives too,
hopefully we'll be friends until the world ends.
We all agree people shouldn't be treated like poo.

Made and published 12/27/2014
Sophomore year
I really did have a breakdown last night and it was pretty terrible. to all the people reading this you're awesome and you'll always have a listening ear right here from me. I'm sorry I haven't typed anything in a while but I've been pretty busy with personal and school work. I hope you enjoy. Stay strong! :*

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