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Yesterday it was James,

The one that stopped all of my rains.

He helped me through the emotional pains,

and stopped the stale thoughts bouncing around in my brain.

I was so grateful he was there,

My friends think him and I should be a pair,

His judgment is quite fair,

It's terrible when you think people don't care.

I can't believe I told him all the things I shared,

He actually made me feel like he cared.

I message my "friends" as I sometime dared.

Their reply is something that makes me scared.

I don't know what they might say,

I'm not sure if they're willing to stay,

I'm not even sure if they will pray.

They haven't been here to dry my bay.

I don't know how many friends I have anymore,

It seems like they all left out the door

They took all my money and now I'm poor.

When I talk to them I feel like I'm just a bore.

I miss them so much,

But I don't even get to touch,

or even get to ask what,

I feel like I can only tell them so much

before it turns to too much.

I've felt so lonely like I just need a hug,

like everyone's staring at me (the ugliest rug).

All my problems circle my heart and now they start to tug.The feeling of being numb will just make you shrug.

It feels like everyone but James left,

He doesn't make me feel like a heft

or make me feel I'm as weird looking as a treble cleft.

I no longer feel the need to runaway like the song by love and theft.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Wrote and published 9-14-14

Sophomore year

My mind kept going different directions 'cause I've been under a lot of stress and I've had a lot of stuff going on lately so yeah, I couldn't really focus on just one subject. I'm sorry if it doesn't make sense but I just let my fingers start typing and that's what they came up with. I hope you enjoyed. Comment, Vote, Share, and tell other's to read. Thanks! You guys are what get me through. :Smiles sadly but hopefully: :)

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