Aid me, don't fade me

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Here I am, once again
When all the light has turned dim.
All I want is friends to aid me
and not to fade me.

All seems to be lost
When my heart is being tossed.
I just want someone to aid me
and not to fade me.

My legs are broken
And my halo has been taken.
I just need God to aid me
not send people who fade me.

I don't know how much more I can take
Before I finally reach the point to break.
I need God to aid me
because he won't fade me.

I will praise him through the pain
Even through the hail, or cold rain.
Because he will aid me
And never fade me.

This will be the end
Even if God is my only friend.
Forever he will aid me
And never will He ever fade me.

Written: May 4th 2016
Posted: May 11th 2016 jr year 16 years old

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