Chapter 1

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David and William walked slowly as they crossed the crest of the hill then descending as they continued along the road at a slightly faster pace. Each carried a heavily loaded back frame of essentials for their long trek. Both men were dressed in their fish monger guild colors. William was thin and tall, almost six foot like his father, and had very dark brown and wavy hair and blue-green eyes. His companion David, his closest friend, was about two inches shorter and much broader built, his hair sandy brown with brown eyes.

"Do you think we eluded the press gang?" David asked.

"We got at least a ten hour start on them, either way there is no way in hell I'm going to be sent to the Imperial Mines!"

"You know if we are caught running it will be ten years instead of two?"

"Do you know anyone who returned after two years?" William asked.

"No." A long pause of silence followed. Then David continued, "How long will this take. I have absolutely no idea where we are going."

"So you agreed to follow me on blind faith?" William asked laughing.

"Sort of."

"It will take about three months to reach the pass. We will need to find work along the way. Then about six months of walking after we winter in the pass. Then we will be free. We will be in the Republic."

"Why didn't anyone in your family come?"

"My Dad. He forbade us too," William laughed.

As they briefly looked back they saw another figure crest the hill. As the person was some distance away it was impossible to see their features. However the person waved at them and broke into a run.

"Dam! It's Theodora. Where the hell does she think she is going?" William said sounding exasperated.

"Why does she hate me, I've always..." William looked at David as he spoke unable to respond. After several minutes of watching her approach David waved and with a laugh shouted, "Hey Mouse, what's the hurry?"

"I'm not talking to you Lump!" Theodora hissed. Then turning to William with her typical mischievous smile said, "I'm coming too Billy."

"The hell you are Teddie. Turn that little butt of yours around and go home."

"You can't make me Bro. I'm an independent woman, I make my own choices," she responded continuing with her brightest, most engaging smile.

"That smile won't work on me Teddie."

"I'm your spoiled little sister, you can't send me away."

"What did your fiancé say Theodora?"

"I felt no need to tell him," she continued no longer looking into her brothers eyes. "Besides, no one ever consulted ME regarding the betrothal."

"The guild directed it with our father's blessing," William said slowly trying to hide his growing frustration.

"Alvin is a poo-head. He had the audacity to tell me I had to cut my hair short, said I would have to stop my 'foolish' song writing."

"He will be your husband."

"Then you marry him. I'm going to the Republic."

"I like your songs Mouse, and you hair is really beautiful too," David whispered.

"See!" Theodora exclaimed. "Even your dumb friend agrees with me."

"Your long hair will interfere with fish gutting and salting. And your little songs are a waste of time." Theodora was fuming mad as she regarded her brother. She placed one hand on her hip and pointing a finger at him ready to do battle when David spoke.

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