Chapter 17 Return

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It was late at night when David rode into the Yellow Coach Livery Stable behind the inn and returned his borrowed horse. Then walking into the inn he said, "James I would like a room for the night, and if you have anything to eat...its unusually quiet here."

James spoke quickly to his wife Martha then left the inn running. "Take a seat in the smaller dining room David and I'll make you a sandwich and how about a piece of berry pie?" Martha asked. She poured him some ale and brought in the food. Moments later they were joined by Rose and Joyce.

"Is Mouse staying with you?" David asked.

"Teddie has flew out of here, two days ago," Rose said softly. "She had to run as the village tried to burn her as a witch." David was rendered speechless as they told him what had happened. "She wants you to follow her David. She will be staying in Novi, but said you could reach her through Coven House on Grande Isle."

"Then I will go to her. You say she flew there."

"On dragon back no less," Joyce said.

"I'll rest here a couple of days, visit my parents then travel down the peninsula and take a boat, three or four weeks sailing, then through the canal and north."

"Theodora gave us a lot of money, thirty-eight thousand marks, to relocate, I'd like to give some to you."

"No, thank you. I'll hire on to one of the yammer schooners. I'm glad you are all going. It was Bill's dream to take you all to the Republic."

"David...wait for us in the morning. You will need some company when you travel...the village has changed."

"Just want to see my Mom."

"Please wait for us, we'll pay for breakfast."

"OK, free breakfast and two pretty women for company, how can I refuse."

"You've always been a flatterer!" Rose said smiling.

David had real trouble sleeping that night. He had come so close to being reunited with Teddie now she was gone. Morning came and he made it down to dining room where Rose and Joyce were waiting. David had expected to have little appetite but with all the food on display he found his appetite was hardy. "We are taking you to our house first David, Teddies' brothers want to meet you."

"How's Mathilda? I want to see her too."

"She left with Teddie." Rose replied.

"How's Alvin taking all this. I take it he has called off the betrothal."

"It's complicated David, Alvin is dead. Everyone blames Teddie."


"There's no sense to it. Teddie admitted to being a witch. It was terrifying how quickly the village turned on her."

"Are you going to follow me to my mother's home too?" David laughed.

"If you need us yes," Joyce answered. "You must know your mother hates Teddie?"

"My Mom's only being overly protective to her only child."

"If you need us we will be there for you. There is so much that happened, we can't describe how it all went down."

They left the inn and were walking down the boardwalk went Theodore's father approached them, apparently wanting to say something. David seized him by the neck lifting him off the ground. "I owe you bastard!" David growled.

"David please, no!" Joyce pleaded.

"Teddie has forgiven him David. Don't let this be something you will regret. He is her father," Rose added.

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