Chapter 24 Dragon Eggs

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"Each of you take two bags. Each will hold two eggs," Elodia said as she passed out the canvas bags. They were fleece lined and had a shoulder strap.

"I don't think there were that many eggs Elody."

"Rather be safe than miss any. Once we are seen the area will swarm with imperial scouts."

"I would like to get some of those crystals Teddie told us about," Maryann added.

"You lead this time Teddie."

"I have no idea where I'm going!" Theodora laughed.

"You and your dragon have been there, just picture it in your mind. Pip will do the rest," Elodia said.

"OK if you're sure," Theodora said with considerable doubt. Then mounting their dragons and strapping in Theodora grinned at her companions and shouted, "Up up and away!" The dragons leapt off the ground and circled higher and higher over Novi and the islands of Turnagain Bay. They remained cloaked. Then Theodora closed her eyes and remembered the oculus. She heard a popping sound and felt the freezing cold of the airless dark void then a second pop and they were circling high over the village of Nemo and the volcano. "Pip lets go for it!"

Pip plunged into the oculus followed by the other three dragons and landed gently on the floor. The dragon riders dismounted and carefully gathered the eggs. There were nine in all and each nestled in a fleece lined pocket. "Look at all the brightly colored crystals!" Susan said as she turned around examining the walls.

"Let's take a couple of hands full," Elodia said. "How much do you think they are worth Teddie?

"I got almost a million marks for two dozen. I think you should take some." The dragon riders spent several minutes selecting their stones. "Will the eggs hatch now that we touched them?" Theodora asked.

"We already have a dragon so I think not," Elodia said. "But with the touch of one special woman they will."

"What about one special man?" Theodora asked.

"That I do not know... Let's exit the oculus uncloaked!" Elodia said.

"Yes!" Theodora said. "And once we got everyone's attention lets cloak and go to Sandy. I need to visit a friend in Sandy".

"I saw you packing a dress in your saddle bag. We did too," Susan said.

"So you're coming too?" her friends nodded.

They flew their dragons out of the volcano and low over the town of Nemo, then cloaking returned and landed in an area of thick trees and changed into dresses and walked into Sandy. The town was empty, at least the streets were. "This is odd," Theodora said.

"Can you find Molly's house?" Maryann asked. They continued to walk the deserted streets when Theodora shouted.

"Molly!" the woman turned and recognizing Theodora held her tight.

" can't stay. We have plague. Please go quickly."

"Please let me help."

"Over a dozen have died already, two of my grandchildren have been stricken. The mine managers own daughter is near death. He has turned his own home into a hospital. I must get back there. You need to flee." Theodora turned to her companions and they nodded.

"We will come too Molly. We can help. Trust me." The mine manager's home was free of furniture and was organized with a number of cots in each of the spacious rooms. The sick were ever where attended by family. The manager was holding a weeping woman as they stood by a tiny blond haired girl in a cot.

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