Chapter 28 Best Birthday Ever

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David had never felt so out of sorts in his life. The winds were unusually fickle and the 'Pride' finally pulled into port late in the thirteenth of May. It took until the early morning before David was allowed to disembark. He wanted to begin his search for Theodora as he walked along the docks and warehouses. He saw a sign 'help wanted-cannery workers'. Since he hoped to finalize his marriage he thought having a job would be a good idea. So he stepped into the warehouse, "David, OH MY GOD! David."

"Rose what are you doing here?" David was quickly surrounded by Theodora's family. "Teddie has been so down, she's been losing weight and literally working herself to death."

"Is she ill?"

"Heart sick David, and lonely. You are just what she needs."

"I must go to her!"

"Yes, but this needs to special for her. You really need a bath and a shave, and some clothes. We are having a giant birthday party tonight for the quads."

"What quads?"

"We'll explain later. Michael, James, take David to the baths and then get him some decent clothes."

"I have very little money Rose," David objected.

"This is on the family, Teddie has been so wonderful and helpful to us, please trust us. We'll meet you at the inn for lunch."

"We'll explain more as we go," Michael said. They took David and purchased the necessary clothing then took him to the baths. David had his hair cut, a shave and dressed in his new clothes. Then they went to the inn and were met by Rose, Joyce, Elodia, Maryann and Susan. Rose handled the introductions.

"Where is Teddie?" David asked.

"She's at my home, Mathilda is with her. We slipped her a sleeping potion so she is resting," Elodia said softly.

"Why, what's wrong?"

"The gods have answered all our prayers and you are here."

"Can I see her?"

"David it's complicated. She is totally in love with you but has convinced herself you'll reject her when you realize how much she has changed."

"I don't understand."

"During your captivity she needed you desperately to simply survive. Now her needs are very different."

"Does she not want me?" David asked softly.

"She does, but now for different reasons. Before her wanting you was because she needed your protection. Now she needs you because she wants you. She wants you to lover her and lover her accomplishments too."

"My love for her would only increase as she has found strength and independence. I've always seen her as resilient and intelligent."

"Your words are so good to hear," Rose said softly.

"She has become the leader and driving force for her family. The cannery is ours and hers David. She has found us all housing and has been so generous even to her cousins. We have had to ban her from the cannery as we feared she was going to work herself to death," Joyce added.

"She has become an accomplished midwife. She spends so much time working in the schools free clinic they are worried about her too," Maryann added.

"She has been driving herself trying silence her fears of losing you. She is a very wealthy woman David. She is unsure of how you will take this," Elodia said.

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